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Previous Awards

The papers receiving these awards were selected from a set of outstanding papers, based on the quantitative and qualitative classifications as well as comments provided by the program committee reviewers, their final classification as full paper and their oral presentation at the conference.

2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004

ICEIS 2024

Best Paper Award

Best Student Paper Award

A Comparative Analysis of EfficientNet Architectures for Identifying Anomalies in Endoscopic Images
Alexandre C. P. Pessoa, Darlan B. P. Quintanilha, João Dallyson Sousa de Almeida, Geraldo Braz Junior, Anselmo C. de Paiva and António Cunha

Honorable Mention: Swarm Intelligence Path-Planning Pipeline and Algorithms for UAVs: Simulation, Analysis and Recommendation
Wyatt Harris, Sean Tseng, Tabatha Viso, Max Weissman and Chun-Kit Ngan

Best Poster Award

A Methodology for Constructing Patterns for the Management of Data Science Projects
Christian Haertel, Sarah Schramm, Matthias Pohl, Sascha Bosse, Daniel Staegemann, Christian Daase and Klaus Turowski

Best Industrial Paper Award

SpectraNet: A Neural Network for Soybean Contents Prediction
Henry Julio Kobs, Henrique Liesenfeld Krever, Denilson S. Ebling and Celio Trois

Best Demo Paper Award

ICEIS 2023

Best Paper Award

A Decision Support System for Multi-Trip Vehicle Routing Problems
Mirko Cavecchia, Thiago Alves de Queiroz, Manuel Iori, Riccardo Lancellotti and Giorgio Zucchi

Best Student Paper Award

Unobtrusive Integration of Data Quality in Interactive Explorative Data Analysis
Michael Behringer, Pascal Hirmer, Alejandro Villanueva, Jannis Rapp and Bernhard Mitschang

Best Poster Award

A Real-Time Platform to Monitoring Misinformation on Telegram
Ivandro Claudino, Thiago Gadelha, Tiago Vinuto, José Wellington Franco, José Maria Monteiro and Javam Machado

ICEIS 2022

Best Paper Award

Global Spare Parts Exploitation Costs Optymization and Its Reduction to Rectangular Knapsack Problem
Andrzej Chmielowiec, Leszek Klich, Weronika Woś and Adam Błachowicz

Constraint Formalization for Automated Assessment of Enterprise Models
Stef Joosten, Ella Roubtsova and El Makki Haddouchi

MCCD: Generating Human Natural Language Conversational Datasets
Matheus F. Sanches, Jader M. C. de Sá, Allan M. de Souza, Diego A. Silva, Rafael R. de Souza, Julio C. dos Reis and Leandro A. Villas

Best Student Paper Award

Text Classification in the Brazilian Legal Domain
Gustavo M. C. Coelho, Alimed Celecia, Jefferson de Sousa, Melissa Cavaliere, Maria Julia Lima, Ana Mangeth, Isabella Frajhof, Cesar Cury and Marco Casanova

ARTIFACT: Architecture for Automated Generation of Distributed Information Extraction Pipelines
Michael Sildatke, Hendrik Karwanni, Bodo Kraft and Albert Zündorf

Best Industrial Paper Award

Best Demo Paper Award

ICEIS 2021

Best Paper Award

An Integrated Task and Personnel Scheduling Problem to Optimize Distributed Services in Hospitals
Nícolas P. Campana, Giorgio Zucchi, Manuel Iori, Carlo Alberto Magni and Anand Subramanian

A Domain Specific Language to Provide Middleware for Interoperability among SaaS and DaaS/DBaaS through a Metamodel Approach
Babacar Mane, Ana Patricia Magalhaes, Gustavo Quinteiro, Rita Suzana Pitangueira Maciel and Daniela Barreiro Claro

Vis2Learning: A Scenario-based Guide to Support Developers in the Creation of Visualizations on Educational Data
Maylon Pires Macedo, Ranilson Oscar Araújo Paiva, Isabela Gasparini and Luciana A. M. Zaina

Improve Classification of Commits Maintenance Activities with Quantitative Changes in Source Code
Richard V. R. Mariano, Geanderson E. dos Santos and Wladmir Cardoso Brandão

A Hybrid IoT Analytics Platform: Architectural Model and Evaluation
Theo Zschörnig, Jonah Windolph, Robert Wehlitz and Bogdan Franczyk

Best Student Paper Award

An Improved Deep Learning Application for Leaf Shape Reconstruction and Damage Estimation
Mateus Coelho Silva, Servio Pontes Ribeiro, Andrea Gomes Campos Bianchi and Ricardo Augusto Rabelo Oliveira

Automatic Construction of Benchmarks for RDF Keyword Search Systems Evaluation
Angelo Batista Neves, Luiz André P. Paes Leme, Yenier Torres Izquierdo and Marco Antonio Casanova

End-user Evaluation of a Mobile Application Prototype for Territorial Innovation
Eliza Oliveira, André C. Branco, Daniel Carvalho, Eveline Sacramento, Oksana Tymoshchuk, Luis Pedro, Maria J. Antunes, Ana M. Almeida and Fernando Ramos

A Well-founded Ontology to Support the Preparation of Training and Test Datasets
Lucimar de A. Lial Moura, Marcus Albert A. da Silva, Kelli de Faria Cordeiro and Maria Cláudia Cavalcanti

LISSU: Integrating Semantic Web Concepts into SOA Frameworks
Johannes Lipp, Siyabend Sakik, Moritz Kröger and Stefan Decker

Best Poster Award

Ontology-based Approach for Business Opportunities Recognition
Vinicius Ferreira Salgado, Diego Bernardes de Lima Santos, Frederico Giffoni de Carvalho Dutra, Fernando Silva Parreiras and Wladmir Cardoso Brandão

Best Industrial Paper Award

Embedded Edge Artificial Intelligence for Longitudinal Rip Detection in Conveyor Belt Applied at the Industrial Mining Environment
Emerson Klippel, Ricardo Augusto Rabelo Oliveira, Dmitry Maslov, Andrea Gomes Campos Bianchi, Saul Emanuel Delabrida Silva and Charles Tim Batista Garrocho

Best Demo Paper Award

ICEIS 2020

Best Paper Award

Globo Face Stream: A System for Video Meta-data Generation in an Entertainment Industry Setting
Rafael Pena, Felipe A. Ferreira, Frederico Caroli, Luiz Schirmer and Hélio Lopes

SSTR: Set Similarity Join over Stream Data
Lucas Pacífico and Leonardo Andrade Ribeiro

Personalising Exergames for the Physical Rehabilitation of Children Affected by Spine Pain
Cristian Gómez-Portes, Carmen Lacave, Ana I. Molina, David Vallejo and Santiago Sánchez-Sobrino

Collaborative Agents in Adaptative VLEs: Towards an Interface Agent for Interactivity and Decision-making Improvement
Karize Viecelli, Aluizio Haendchen Filho, Hércules Antonio do Prado, Edilson Ferneda, Jeferson Miguel Thalheimer and Anita Maria da Rocha Fernandes

Best Student Paper Award

Enterprise Security Architecture: Mythology or Methodology?
Michelle McClintock, Katrina Falkner, Claudia Szabo and Yuval Yarom

Straight to the Point - Evaluating What Matters for You: A Comparative Study on Playability Heuristic Sets
Felipe Sonntag Manzoni, Tayana Uchôa Conte, Milene Selbach Silveira and Simone Diniz Junqueira Barbosa

How to Better Form Software Development Teams? An Analysis of Different Formation Criteria
Sérgio Cavalcante, Bruno Gadelha, Edson César de Oliveira and Tayana Conte

An Adaptive System Architecture Model for the Study of Logic and Programming with Learning Paths
Adson M. da S. Esteves, Aluizio Haendchen Filho, André L. A. Raabe and Rudimar L. S. Dazzi

Best Poster Award

Best PhD Project Award

Towards NLP-supported Semantic Data Management
Andreas Burgdorf, André Pomp and Tobias Meisen

ICEIS 2019

Best Paper Award

A Taxonomy for Enterprise Architecture Analysis Research
Amanda Oliveira Barbosa, Alixandre Santana, Simon Hacks and Niels von Stein

Improving Reproducibility whilst Maintaining Accuracy in Function Point Analysis
Marcos De Freitas Jr., Marcelo Fantinato, Violeta Sun, Lucinéia H. Thom and Vanja Garaj

A Mobility Restriction Authoring Tool Approach based on a Domain Specific Modeling Language and Model Transformation
Adalberto T. Azevedo Jr., Fernando Benedito, Luciano Reis Coutinho, Francisco José da Silva e Silva, Marcos Paulino Roriz Junior and Markus Endler

Best Student Paper Award

An Iterated Local Search Algorithm for Cell Nuclei Detection from Pap Smear Images
Débora N. Diniz, Marcone J. F. Souza, Claudia M. Carneiro, Daniela M. Ushizima, Fátima N. S. de Medeiros Sombra, Paulo H. C. Oliveira and Andrea G. C. Bianchi

Pattern-based Method for Anomaly Detection in Sensor Networks
Ines Kraiem, Faiza Ghozzi, Andre Peninou and Ines Kraiem

Innovating in Digital Platforms: An Integrative Approach
Fábio Neves da Rocha and Neil Pollock

Reinforcing Diversity Company Policies: Insights from StackOverflow Developers Survey
Karina Kohl Silveira, Soraia Musse, Isabel Manssour, Renata Vieira and Rafael Prikladnicki

Best Poster Award

Best PhD Project Award

Language Independent Enterprise Model Mapping and Integration
Erik Heiland and Andreas Karcher

ICEIS 2018

Best Paper Award

Proposed Solutions to the Tripper Car Positioning Problem
Felipe Novaes Caldas and Alexandre Xavier Martins

Gathering and Combining Semantic Concepts from Multiple Knowledge Bases
Alexander Paulus, André Pomp, Lucian Poth, Johannes Lipp and Tobias Meisen

A MapReduce Approach for Mining Multi-Perspective Declarative Process Models
Christian Sturm, Stefan Schönig and Stefan Jablonski

NExPlay - Playability Assessment for Non-experts Evaluators
Felipe Sonntag Manzoni, Bruna Moraes Ferreira and Tayana Uchoa Conte

An Agile Framework for Modeling Smart City Business Ecosystems
Anne Faber, Adrian Hernandez-Mendez, Sven-Volker Rehm and Florian Matthes

Searching and Ranking Educational Resources based on Terms Clustering
Marina A. Hoshiba Pimentel, Israel Barreto Sant'Anna and Marcos Didonet Del Fabro

Best Student Paper Award

Querying Heterogeneous Document Stores
Hamdi Ben Hamadou, Faiza Ghozzi, André Péninou and Olivier Teste

A Scientometric Approach for Personalizing Research Paper Retrieval
Nedra Ibrahim, Anja Habacha Chaibi and Henda Ben Ghézala

Popularity Metrics’ Normalization for Social Media Entities
Hiba Sebei, Mohamed Ali Hadj Taieb and Mohamed Ben Aouicha

Best Poster Award

How Can Visualization Affect Security?
Joana Muchagata and Ana Ferreira

Best Demo Paper Award

ICEIS 2017

Best Paper Award

Anomaly Detection in Real-Time Gross Settlement Systems
Ron Triepels, Hennie Daniels and Ronald Heijmans

fgssjoin: A GPU-based Algorithm for Set Similarity Joins
Rafael D. Quirino, Sidney R. Junior, Leonardo A. Ribeiro and Wellington S. Martins

Relationship between Personality Traits and Software Quality - Big Five Model vs. Object-oriented Software Metrics
Anderson S. Barroso, Jamille S. Madureira, Thiago D. S. Souza, Bryanne S. de A. Cezario, Michel S. Soares and Rogerio P. C. do Nascimento

Skyline Modeling and Computing over Trust RDF Data
Amna Abidi, Mohamed Anis Bach Tobji, Allel Hadjali and Boutheina Ben Yaghlane

Best Student Paper Award

Formal Concept Analysis Applied to Professional Social Networks Analysis
Paula R. C. Silva, Sérgio M. Dias, Wladmir C. Brandão, Mark A. Song and Luis E. Zárate

Usability and User Experience Evaluation of Learning Management Systems - A Systematic Mapping Study
Walter Takashi Nakamura, Elaine Harada Teixeira de Oliveira and Tayana Conte

Identifying Possible Requirements using Personas - A Qualitative Study
Bruna Ferreira, Gleison Santos and Tayana Conte

Best Poster Award

Identifying Relevant Resources and Relevant Capabilities of Informal Processes
C. Timurhan Sungur, Uwe Breitenbücher, Oliver Kopp, Frank Leymann and Andreas Weiß

Best Demo Paper Award

ICEIS 2016

Best Paper Award

A Hypercube Queuing Model Approach to the Police Units Allocation Problem
Nilson Felipe Matos Mendes and André Gustavo dos Santos

The Data-driven Factory - Leveraging Big Industrial Data for Agile, Learning and Human-centric Manufacturing
Christoph Gröger, Laura Kassner, Eva Hoos, Jan Königsberger, Cornelia Kiefer, Stefan Silcher and Bernhard Mitschang

Weaving Business Model Patterns - Understanding Business Models
María Camila Romero, Mario Sánchez and Jorge Villalobos

Structuring Guidelines for Web Application Designers - A Meta-model
Anh Do Tuan, Isabelle Comyn-Wattiau and Samira Si-Saïd Cherfi

Best Student Paper Award

Towards an Efficient API for Optimisation Problems Data
Rodrigo Lankaites Pinheiro, Dario Landa-Silva, Rong Qu, Edson Yanaga and Ademir Aparecido Constantino

Efficient Self-similarity Range Wide-joins Fostering Near-duplicate Image Detection in Emergency Scenarios
Luiz Olmes Carvalho, Lucio F. D. Santos, Willian D. Oliveira, Agma J. M. Traina and Caetano Traina Jr.

Investigating the Use of a Contextualized Vocabulary in the Identification of Technical Debt: A Controlled Experiment
Mário André de Freitas Farias, José Amancio Santos, André Batista da Silva, Marcos Kalinowski, Manoel Mendonça and Rodrigo Oliveira Spínola

Enabling a Unified View of Open Data Catalogs
Marcelo Iury S. Oliveira, Lairson Emanuel R. de Alencar Oliveira, Glória de Fátima A. Barros Lima and Bernadette Farias Lóscio

Best Poster Award

Recognition of Human Activities using the User’s Context and the Activity Theory for Risk Prediction
Alfredo Del Fabro Neto, Bruno Romero de Azevedo, Rafael Boufleuer, João Carlos D. Lima, Alencar Machado, Iara Augustin and Márcia Pasin

Best PhD Project Award

Identifying Technical Debt through Code Comment Analysis
Mário André de Freitas Farias, Methanias Colaço, Rodrigo Oliveira Spínola and Manoel G. de Mendonça Neto

ICEIS 2015

Best Paper Award

Optimizing Routine Maintenance Team Routes
Francesco Longo, Andrea Rocco Lotronto, Marco Scarpa and Antonio Puliafito

An Operational Model of Variable Business Process
Raoul Taffo Tiam, Abdelhak-Djamel Seriai and Raphael Michel

Best Student Paper Award

Techniques for Effective and Efficient Fire Detection from Social Media Images
Marcos V. N. Bedo, Gustavo Blanco, Willian D. Oliveira, Mirela T. Cazzolato, Alceu F. Costa, Jose F. Rodrigues Jr., Agma J. M. Traina and Caetano Traina Jr.

Best Poster Award

Temporal Constraint in Web Service Composition
Bey Fella, Samia Bouyakoub and Abdelkader Belkhir

Best PhD Project Award

Detecting Shipping Fraud in Global Supply Chains using Probabilistic Trajectory Classification
Ron Triepels and Hennie Daniels

ICEIS 2014

Best Paper Award

Router Nodes Positioning for Wireless Networks Using Artificial Immune Systems
P. H. G. Coelho, J. L. M. do Amaral, J. F. M. do Amaral, L. F. de A. Barreira and A. V. de Barros

TrieMotif - A New and Efficient Method to Mine Frequent K-Motifs from Large Time Series
Daniel Y. T. Chino, Renata R. V. Gonçalves, Luciana A. S. Romani, Caetano Traina Jr. and Agma J. M. Traina

Automatic Interpretation Biodiversity Spreadsheets Based on Recognition of Construction Patterns
Ivelize Rocha Bernardo, André Santanchè and Maria Cecília Calani Baranauskas

A Metadata Focused Crawler for Linked Data
Raphael do Vale Amaral Gomes, Marco A. Casanova, Giseli Rabello Lopes and Luiz André P. Paes Leme

Best Student Paper Award

PRIMROSe - A Tool for Enterprise Architecture Analysis and Diagnosis
David Naranjo, Mario Sánchez and Jorge Villalobos

Video Stream Transmodality
Pierre-Olivier Rocher, Christophe Gravier, Julien Subercaze and Marius Preda

A Reactive and Proactive Approach for Ambient Intelligence
Alencar Machado, Daniel Lichtnow, Ana Marilza Pernas, Leandro Krug Wives and José Palazzo Moreira de Oliveira

Best PhD Project Award

Agile Information Systems for Collaborative Enterprises
Barbara Livieri

ICEIS 2013

Best Paper Award

A Data-adaptive Trace Abstraction Approach to the Prediction of Business Process Performances
Antonio Bevacqua, Marco Carnuccio, Francesco Folino, Massimo Guarascio and Luigi Pontieri

How are they Watching Me - Learning from Student Interactions with Multimedia Objects Captured from Classroom Presentations
Caio Cesar Viel, Erick Lazaro Melo, Maria da Graça C. Pimentel and Cesar A. C. Teixeira

Collaborative Business Services Provision
Luis M. Camarinha-Matos, Hamideh Afsarmanesh, Ana Inês Oliveira and Filipa Ferrada

Best Student Paper Award

HyFOM Reasoner: Hybrid Integration of Fuzzy Ontology and Mamdani Reasoning
Cristiane A. Yaguinuma, Walter C. P. Magalhães Jr., Marilde T. P. Santos, Heloisa A. Camargo and Marek Reformat

Experimental Studies in Software Inspection Process - A Systematic Mapping
Elis Montoro Hernandes, Anderson Belgamo and Sandra Fabbri

Examining Potentials of Building M&A Preparedness
Nilesh Vaniya, Peter Bernus and Ovidiu Noran

ICEIS 2012

Best Paper Award

A Characterization Framework for Evaluating Business/IT Alignment Strategies
Lerina Aversano, Carmine Grasso and Maria Tortorella

A Study in User-centric Data Integration
Heiner Stuckenschmidt, Jan Noessner and Faraz Fallahi

Effects of the Placement of Diverse Items in Recommendation Lists
Mouzhi Ge, Dietmar Jannach, Fatih Gedikli and Martin Hepp

Best Student Paper Award

A Service-based Integration for an improved Product Lifecycle Management
Stefan Silcher, Max Dinkelmann, Jorge Minguez and Bernhard Mitschang

Keeping Values in Mind - Artifacts for a Value-oriented and Culturally Informed Design
Roberto Pereira, Samuel B. Buchdid and M. Cecília C. Baranauskas

Managing Literature Reviews Information through Visualization
Sandra Fabbri, Elis Hernandes, Andre Di Thommazo, Anderson Belgamo, Augusto Zamboni and Cleiton Silva

ICEIS 2011

Best Paper Award

Veronica Oliveira de Carvalho, Fabiano Fernandes dos Santos and Solange Oliveira Rezende

Best Student Paper Award

ICEIS 2010

Best Paper Award

Best Student Paper Award

ICEIS 2009

Best Paper Award

ICEIS 2008

Best Demo Paper Award

ICEIS 2007

Best Demo Paper Award

Best Demo Paper Award

ICEIS 2006

Best Demo Paper Award

Best Demo Paper Award

ICEIS 2005

Best Demo Paper Award

ICEIS 2004

Best Demo Paper Award

Best Demo Paper Award

ICEIS 2008

Best Paper Award
Area: Databases and Information Systems Integration
ODDI - A Framework for Semi-automatic Data Integration
Paolo Ceravolo, Ernesto Damiani, Marcello Leida, Zhan Cui and Alex Gusmini

Area: Artificial Intelligence and Decision Support Systems
Francesco Folino, Gianluigi Greco, Antonella Guzzo and Luigi Pontieri

Area: Information Systems Analysis and Specification
Thomas Heer, Daniel Retkowitz and Bodo Kraft

Area: Software Agents and Internet Computing
Li-Tung Weng, Yue Xu, Yuefeng Li and Richi Nayak

Area: Human-Computer Interaction
Todor Stoitsev, Stefan Scheidl, Felix Flentge and Max Mühlhäuser

Best Student Paper Award
Khouloud Boukadi, Chirine Ghedira and Lucien Vincent

ICEIS 2007

Best Paper Award
Area: Databases and Information Systems Integration
Ralf Wagner and Bernhard Mitschang

Area: Artificial Intelligence and Decision Support Systems
Noriko Imafuji Yasui, Xavier Llorà, David E. Goldberg, Yuichi Washida and Hiroshi Tamura

Area: Information Systems Analysis and Specification
David Avison and Jan Pries-Heje

Area: Software Agents and Internet Computing
M. Dolores Ruiz and Antonio B. Bailón

Area: Human-Computer Interaction
Sridhar Poosapadi Arjunan, Hans Weghorn, Dinesh Kant Kumar and Wai Chee Yau

Best Student Paper Award
Paulo Carreira, Helena Galhardas, João Pereira and Andrzej Wichert

