Previous Invited Speakers
The researchers below were distinguished invited speakers at previous ICEIS conferences.
We are indebted to them for their contribution to heighten the conference level.
2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004
Semantic Models for Trustworthy Systems: A Hybrid Intelligence Augmentation Program Giancarlo Guizzardi, University of Twente, Netherlands Making Talents and Leadership Ready for the Digital Era: Challenges and Direction for Higher Education Kecheng Liu, The University of Reading, United Kingdom AI Engineering: A Necessary Condition to Deploy Trustworthy AI in Industry Juliette Mattioli, Thales, France Software Innovation, Concepts & AI Daniel Jackson, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, United States
Leveraging Digital Trace Data to Investigate and Support Human-Centered Work Processes Barbara Weber, University of St.Gallen, Switzerland On the Relation Between Gender and Software Engineering Letizia Jaccheri, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway Enterprise-Level IS Research: Challenges and Potentials of Looking Beyond Enterprise Solutions Robert Winter, University of St. Gallen, Switzerland Serverless Compute Fabric for Edge-Cloud Continuum: Opportunities and Challenges Stefan Nastic, TU Wien and IntelliEdge GmbH, Austria
Software Engineering Challenges in Blockchain-based Decentralized Systems Davor Svetinovic, Vienna University of Economics and Business, Austria Crowdsourcing Software Development: Silver Bullet or Lead Balloon Brian Fitzgerald, University of Limerick, Ireland Past, Present, and Future of Visual Process Analytics Jan Mendling, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Germany Resilient Engineers and Sustainable Software: Levelling Up to the Challenges Birgit Penzenstadler, Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden
From Representation to Mediation: Modeling Information Systems in a Digital World Jan Recker, University of Hamburg, Germany Myths and Misconceptions about Machine Learning and How They Are Related to Software Engineering Stefan Kramer, Johannes Gutenberg - Universität Mainz, Germany What Can We Learn from Play? Panos Markopoulos, Eindhoven University of Technology, Netherlands How AI and Digital Are Key of Manufacturers Survival Eric Prevost, Oracle, United States Impact of End User Human Aspects on Software Engineering John Grundy, Monash University, Australia
Software Similarities and Clones: A Curse or Blessing? Stanislaw Jarzabek, Bialystok University of Technology, Poland Subjective Databases Alon Halevy, Facebook AI, United States Digital Innovation and Transformation to Business Ecosystems Kecheng Liu, The University of Reading, United Kingdom Information for Regional Innovation Systems Fred Phillips, University of New Mexico, United States
Taming Complexity with Self-managed Systems Danny Menasce, George Mason University, United States Ontology-based Information Integration Marie-Christine Rousset, Université Grenoble-Alpes and Institut Universitaire de France, France How Digital Twins Enable Model Driven Manufacturing Mike Papazoglou, Tilburg University, Netherlands Digital Innovation and Future of Knowledge Management Manlio Del Giudice, University of Rome Link Campus, Italy
Decision Guidance Systems and Applications to Manufacturing, Power Grids, Supply Chain and IoT Alexander Brodsky, George Mason University, United States Empirical Approach to Learning from Data (Streams) Plamen Angelov, Lancaster University, United Kingdom The Future of Information Systems - Direct Execution of Enterprise Models, Almost Zero Programming David Aveiro, University of Madeira / Madeira-ITI, Portugal
The Enterprise Information Systems to Realize and Understand More About Our World Victor Chang, Aston Business School, Aston University, United Kingdom High-level Verification and Validation of Software Supporting Business Processes Hermann Kaindl, TU Wien, Univ. for Continuing Education Krems, Vienna Univ. of Economics and Business, Austria Model Me If You Can - Challenges and Benefits of Individual and Mass Data Analysis for Enterprises Marco Brambilla, Politecnico di Milano, Italy Five Challenges to the Web Information Systems Field Christoph Rosenkranz, University of Cologne, Germany
Big Data Analytics - Just More or Conceptually Different? Claudia Loebbecke, University of Cologne, Germany The Sensing Enterprise - Enterprise Information Systems in the Internet of Things Sergio Gusmeroli, Independent Researcher, Italy Making Process Mining Green - Using Event Data in a Responsible Way Wil Van Der Aalst, Technische Universiteit Eindhoven, Netherlands The Power of Text Mining - How to Leverage Naturally Occurring Text Data for Effective Enterprise Information Systems Design and Use Jan Vom Brocke, University of Liechtenstein, Liechtenstein
Money-over-IP - From Bitcoin to Smart Contracts and M2M Money George Giaglis, Athens University of Economics and Business, Greece Empowering the Knowledge Worker - End-User Software Engineering in Knowledge Management Witold Staniszkis, Intelligent Document Engineering, Poland Complexity in the Digital Age - How can IT Help, not HurtMartin Mocker, MIT, USA and Reutlingen University, Germany Towards Data-driven Models of Human Behavior Nuria Oliver, Independent Researcher, Spain
Semiotics in Visualisation Kecheng Liu, The University of Reading, United Kingdom Why ERP Systems Will Keep Failing Jan Dietz, Delft University of Technology, Netherlands Conceptual Modeling in Agile Information Systems Development Antoni Olivé, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Spain An Engineering Approach to Natural Enterprise Dynamics - From Top-down Purposeful Systemic Steering to Bottom-up Adaptive Guidance Control José Tribolet, INESC-ID / Instituto Superior Técnico, Portugal Data Fraud Detection Hans-J. Lenz, Freie Universitat Berlin, Germany
Agile Model Driven Development Stephen Mellor, Freeter, United Kingdom Multi-Perspective Enterprise Modelling as a Foundation of Method Engineering and Self-Referential Enterprise Systems Ulrich Frank, University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany Architecture-based Services Innovation Henderik A. Proper, Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology, Luxembourg
Design by Units - A Novel Approach for Building Elastic Systems Schahram Dustdar, Vienna University of Technology, Austria Managing Online Business Communities Steffen Staab, University of Koblenz-Landau, Germany Requirements Engineering: Panacea or Predicament? Pericles Loucopoulos, Manchester University, United Kingdom Trends in Blog Preservation Yannis Manolopoulos, School of Pure and Applied Sciences, Open University of Cyprus, Cyprus
RAILWAY LOGISTICS VALUE EXTENSION THEORYXuewei Li, Beijing Jiaotong University, China ON COMPLEXITY OF EVENT-DRIVEN SERVICE SYSTEMSLeszek Maciaszek, Macquarie Univ., Australia and Wroclaw Univ. of Economics and Business, Poland INCREASING YOUR RATE OF RETURN WITH CLOSED LOOP SUPPLY CHAINSHarold Krikke, Tilburg University, Netherlands INFORMATION MAKES SPACES FOR WORKING AND LIVING INTELLIGENT - A Semiotic PerspectiveKecheng Liu, The University of Reading, United Kingdom Into the Cloud EnterprisesYulin Zheng, UFIDA Software Co., Ltd, China MANAGEMENT: A SCIENTIFIC DISCIPLINE FOR HUMANITYShoubo Xu, Chinese Academy of Engineering / Beijing Jiaotong University, China A SYSTEM-OF-SYSTEMS APPROACH TO THE ANALYSIS AND CONTROL OF SUSTAINABILITYYannis A. Phillis, Technical University of Crete, Greece Modeling and Analysis Techniques for Cross-Organizational Workflow Systems: State of the ArtLida Xu, Old Dominion University, United States
SERVICE COMPUTING EIS, WORLD PANIC AND OUR ROLE CHANGE Masao J. Matsumoto, Solution Research Lab, Japan DESIGN OF ADAPTIVE WEB SERVICESBarbara Pernici, Politecnico di Milano, Italy FORESIGHT & RESEARCH PRIORITIES FOR SERVICE ORIENTED COMPUTINGMichael Papazoglou, University of Tilburg, Netherlands MACHINE LEARNING IN ONLINE ADVERTISINGJianchang Mao, , United States HUMAN BEHAVIOR AND INTERACTIONS IN WEB ENVIRONMENTSPeter Géczy, AIST, Japan RISK-AWARE COLLABORATIVE PROCESSESErnesto Damiani, Information Security Research center,, United Arab Emirates
Service Engineering for Future Business Value Networks Jorge Cardoso, Universidade de Coimbra, Portugal Towards a Distributed Search EngineRicardo Baeza-Yates, VP of Yahoo!, Universidad de Chile, Chile FROM STONE AGE TO INFORMATION AGE: (Software) Languages through the AgesJean-Marie Favre, Joseph Fourier University, LSR, France The Link between Paper and Information SystemsMoira C. Norrie, , Switzerland
Semantics to Empower Services Science: Using Semantics at Middleware, Web Services and Business LevelsAmit Sheth, Wright State University, United States Trends in Business Process Analysis: Using Process Mining to Find out What is Really Going on in Your OrganizationWil Van Der Aalst, Technische Universiteit Eindhoven, Netherlands Service-Oriented Architecture: One Size fits Nobody Christoph Bussler, Google, Inc., United States Information Logistics in Networked Organisations: Issues, Concepts And Applications Kurt Sandkuhl, School of Engineering, Jönköping University, Sweden Driving Ahead: Joint Enterprise-Embedded Computing in Smart Clouds, Smart Dust and Intelligent AutomobilesVenkatesh Prasad, Ford Motor Company, United States Introducing an IT Capability Maturity FrameworkMartin Curley, , United States Enterprise Information Systems for Use: From Business Processes to Human ActivityLarry Constantine, University of Madeira and Constantine & Lockwood Ltd., Portugal
Biometric Recognition: How Do I Know Who You Are?Anil Jain, Michigan State University, United States P2P Semantic Mediation of Web Sources Georges Gardarin, Prism Laboratory, France Human Activity Recognition – A Grand Challenge J. K. Aggarwal, The University of Texas At Austin, United States Attribute Cardinality Maps in Query Optimization: Their Theory and Implementation in Real-Life Database SystemsJohn Oommen, Carleton University, Canada Reflexive Community Information Systems Matthias Jarke, RWTH Aachen University, Germany Data Management in P2P Systems: Challenges and Research Issues Timos Sellis, IMIS, Greece
Engineering Web Applications - Challenges and Perspectives Daniel Schwabe, Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Enterprise information systems implementation research: assessment and suggestions for the future Henri Barki, HEC Montréal, Canada Enterprise Ontology Jan Dietz, Delft University of Technology, Netherlands Information Technology, Organizational Change Management, and Successful Interorganizational SystemsM. Lynne Markus, Bentley University, United States Changing the way the enterprise works: Operational Transformations Thomas Greene, Independent Researcher, United States Model Driven Architecture: Next Steps Richard Soley, Object Management Group, Inc., United States Emotional Intelligence in Agents and Interactive Computers Rosalind W. Picard, M.I.T., United States
Engaging Stakeholders in the Definiton of Strategic RequirementsPericles Loucopoulos, Computation,, United Kingdom Organizational Patterns: Beyond Technology to PeopleJim Coplien, Gertrud & Cope, Denmark Managing Complexity of Enterprise Information SystemsLeszek Maciaszek, Macquarie Univ., Australia and Wroclaw Univ. of Economics and Business, Poland Evolutionary Project Management: Multiple Performance, Quality and Cost Metrics for Early and Continuous Stakeholder Value Delivery -An agile approach Tom Gilb, Independent Researcher, Norway Large Scale Requirements Engineering: why it is different?Kalle Lyytinen, University of Jyväskylä, Finland Collaboration @ Work: 3rd Wave of Internet to Foster Collaboration between Individuals on the SeemIsidro Laso, , Spain
Real-time Knowledge-based Systems for Enterprise Decision Support and Systems Analysis
Albert Cheng University of Houston, U.S.A.
Automatic Speech Recognition: a Review
Jean-Paul Haton Université Henri Poincaré, Nancy 1, France
Is Engineering Getting out of Classical System Engineering
Michel Léonard University of Genè, Switzerland
Reasoning with Goals to Engineer Requirements
Colette Rolland University of Paris 1, France
Experimental software engineering: Role and impact of measurement models on empirical processes
Giovanni Cantone University of Rome, Italy
Specific Relationship Types in Conceptual Modeling: The Cases of Generic and with Common Participants
Antoni Olivé Polytechnic University of Catalonia, Spain
Manufacturing Execution System for the Automotive Supply Chain
Oleg Gusikhin Ford Scientific Research Lab, U.S.A.
Resource Allocation in Large-scale Systems, a Decoupling Approach
Nuno Martins MIT, U.S.A.
Software Agents and e-Business
Frank Dignum University of Utrecht, The Netherlands
Data => Information => Wealth: New Opportunities for Enterprise Information Systems
Thomas Greene MIT, U.S.A.
Obtaining Precision when Integrating Information
Gio Wiederhold University of Stanford, U.S.A.
Must Computer Systems Have Users?
Anatol Holt University of Milano, Italy
E-commerce and its Real-Time Requirements (Modelling E-commerce as a Real-Time System)
Albert Cheng University of Houston, U.S.A.
Making the most of your Knowledge
Ian Ritchie British Computer Society, U.K.
A New World for the Enterprise -- E-Commerce and Open Sources
Thomas Greene MIT, U.S.A.
Information Requirements are Human, Computers only Machines: MEASUR's Rigorous Methods Based on Social Norms
Ronald Stamper University of Twente, Netherlands
Agent-Oriented Information System Development
John Mylopoulos University of Toronto, Canada
"Industry Strength" – Its true meaning for high-tech SMEs.
Colin J. Theaker University of Staffordshire, U.K.
Database Technology and its Applications
Peter Apers University of Twente, The Netherlands
Status & Challenges for Multi-Agent Coordination Technology
Mark Klein MIT, U.S.A.
Overview of Enterprise Management Using SAP R/3
Satya Chattopadhyay University of Scranton, U.S.A.
Analysis and Verification of Real-time Systems
Albert Cheng University of Houston, U.S.A.
The Information-field Paradigm and New Directions for Systems Analysis and Design
Ronald Stamper University of Twente, The Netherlands
The Challenge of Making Enterprises Virtual: An AI Perspective
Mark Fox University of Toronto, Canada