Here is a list of journals that are considering
the publication of extended versions of ICEIS best papers.

The Journal of Information and Organizational
Sciences, JIOS, is an international journal whose aim is to publish
original scientific papers, preliminary communications, review
articles, conference papers, and professional papers from the field of
information and organizational sciences, as well as relevant
contributions from related scientific disciplines.
Topics include, but are not limited to the
following list: Databases and Knowledge Bases, Business Rules, Virtual
Organization, Knowledge Management, Multi-Agent Systems, Formal
Methods in Information and Organizational Sciences, Information and
Intelligent Systems, Information Systems in Management and Decision
Support, Strategic Planning of Information Systems, Information and
Communications Technologies, and Education for Information Society.
JIOS is published twice a year by Faculty of
Organization and Informatics, University of Zagreb, Croatia.
JIOS is abstracted (indexed) in INSPEC,
Referativvnyj žurnal (Informatika), Zentralblatt fűr Mathematik /
Mathematics Abstracts, and Mathematical Reviews.
Papers, prepared as Word – document, should
be sent to
Website |

International Journal of
Intelligent Information Technologies (IJIIT)
There is growing interest in
developing intelligent technologies that enable users to accomplish
complex tasks in web-centric environments with ease, utilizing such
technologies as intelligent agents, distributed computing in
heterogeneous environments, and computer supported collaborative work.
The mission of the International Journal of Intelligent Information
Technologies is to bring together researchers in related fields such
as information systems, distributed AI, intelligent agents, and
collaborative work, to discuss various aspects of design and
development of intelligent technologies. This journal provides a forum
for academics and practitioners to explore research issues related to
not only the design, implementation and deployment of intelligent
systems and technologies, but also economic issues and organizational
impact. Papers related to all aspects of intelligent systems including
theoretical work on agent and multi-agent systems as well as case
studies offering insights into agent-based problem solving with
empirical or simulation based evidence are welcome.
IJIIT encourages quality
submissions dealing with (but not limited to) the following topics:
•Intelligent information
systems development using Design Science principles
•Models, architectures and behavior models for agent-oriented
information systems
•Intelligent agent and multi-agent systems in various domains
•Intelligent information retrieval and business intelligence
•Semantic Web, Web Services and Ontologies
•Reasoning, learning and adaptive systems
•Agent-based auction, contracting, negotiation, and ecommerce
•Privacy, security, and trust issues
•Agent-based control and supply chain
•Manufacturing Information Systems
•Human-agent interaction and experimental evaluation
•Distributed intelligent systems and technologies
•Intelligent web mining and knowledge discovery systems
•Integrating business intelligence from internal and external sources
•Agent-based simulation and application integration
•Intelligent Decision Support Systems
•Cooperative and collaborative systems
•Multimedia Information Processing
•Implementation, deployment, diffusion, and organizational impact
The International Journal of
Intelligent Information Technologies is an official publication of the
Information Resources Management Association and published by Idea
Group Inc., Hershey, USA (www.idea-group.com). For additional information regarding the
manuscript submission and subscriptions, please contact the
editor-in-chief at
Brochure |
(list not yet complete)
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