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Keynote Lectures

Money-over-IP - From Bitcoin to Smart Contracts and M2M Money
George Giaglis, Athens University of Economics and Business, Greece

Empowering the Knowledge Worker - End-User Software Engineering in Knowledge Management
Witold Staniszkis, Intelligent Document Engineering, Poland

Complexity in the Digital Age - How can IT Help, not Hurt
Martin Mocker, MIT, USA and Reutlingen University, Germany

Towards Data-driven Models of Human Behavior
Nuria Oliver, Independent Researcher, Spain


Money-over-IP - From Bitcoin to Smart Contracts and M2M Money

George Giaglis
Athens University of Economics and Business

Brief Bio
George is Vice Rector of Finance & Development and Professor of eBusiness at the Athens University of Economics and Business, Greece. He has previously worked with the University of the Aegean (Greece) and Brunel University (UK), while he has held visiting posts in universities in the UK, Australia, USA, Finland and Denmark. In 2001, George founded the ISTLab Wireless Research Center, the first research center in Greece with a focus on mobile business, applications and services, while since 2009 he is the Director of Sociomine, a newly-founded research center with a focus on Social Network Analytics. He has also been elected as academic representative in the Coordinating Committee of the Hellenic Mobile Cluster. George has published more than 150 articles in leading journals and international conferences and has authored ten books with Greek and international publishers. His scientific contribution has been acknowledged by the international academic community, as evidenced by the large number of citations (more than 3,000 citations) and the best paper and teaching awards he has received. He serves at the Editorial Board of seven international academic journals and has served at the organizing committees of more than 40 international conferences. From 2003 to 2008, he was Permanent Secretary of the International Conference on Mobile Business, which he organized in Athens in 2010. His research and teaching interests focus on a) electronic business, emphasizing on the design, development and evaluation of innovative mobile, social networking and business applications, b) simulation modeling, business process modeling and system dynamics, c) social network analytics, focusing on data mining, user modeling and social learning behavior in online social networks and d) ubiquitous and pervasive information systems.

The Internet has sparkled a number of innovations that have fundamentally changed many aspects of our lives. Among them, it has dis-intermediated markets, transforming them from physical to digital. Up to date though, the most common of the elements present in any commercial transaction has largely escaped Internet’s influence: money. Analysts have long predicted that this could not be forever and indeed it hasn’t. Over the past years, we have witnessed the rapid rise of co-called cryptocurrencies, fuelled by the blockchain innovation.
In this lecture, after briefly revisiting the nature of money (perhaps the less well understood of the most widely used technologies), I will address the emerging concept of smart money and its various potential uses. Starting from Bitcoin (the protocol), I will attempt to sketch out a road to money-over-IP, consisting of intermediate innovation stops at bitcoin (the currency), app-specific money, smart contracts, and M2M money. In the process, I will explain how these emerging innovations will fundamentally affect the nature of the Internet itself, as well as the future of commerce and our world.



Empowering the Knowledge Worker - End-User Software Engineering in Knowledge Management

Witold Staniszkis
Intelligent Document Engineering

Brief Bio
Witold Staniszkis is the CEO of Rodan Development – a company providing software tools and solutions in the area of knowledge management. He graduated from the University of Gdansk in 1966 and gained his Ph.D. in 1976. Active in the software design and production field for more than 30 years, he has conducted research and supervised the implementation of many large database-related IT systems in Poland, USA and Western Europe over the course of his professional career. His achievements include SYKON, RODAN, Distributed Query System, DataBase Predictor and Analyzer. Since 1993 he has headed up development of the OfficeObjects® software product family.For several years, Staniszkis was the president of the Polish branch of the Information Systems Audit and Control Association (ISACA) and the Polish representative for the Technical Committee 8 (Evaluation of IT Systems) in the IFIP (International Federation for Information Processing). Witold Staniszkis was the coordinator of the European Research Projects: ICONS and eGov-Bus. He participated in following European Projects: INFOMIX, COMPONENT+, ASG, OneStopGov and VIDE.In years 2006 -2008 he was a serving on the Board of the European Technological Platform NESSI (Network European Software & Services Initiative).Witold Staniszkis has co-authored two books and is the author of over forty publications in the areas of database management, distributed systems, knowledge management systems and system design methodologies and tools.

Rapid growth of international trade and cooperation on the one hand and the global Information and Communication Technology(ICT)-driven communication powered by the Internet have fuelled unprecedented expansion of global collaboration in practically all walks of human activity. Virtual organisations spanning not only diverse countries but also the entire regions become an ubiquitous and dynamic phenomenon. A good example are the European research programmes based on international project consortia, i.e. virtual organisations, characterised by well-defined goals to be attained within a specific time frame. Notwithstanding the ubiquity of such ICT environments as networking, email, social media and content management enhancing the capability of goal-oriented collaborating teams, jointly known as organization 2.0 platforms, much needs to be done to leverage investment in intellectual capital represented and produced by the knowledge workers.
A novel architecture of a knowledge management system meeting the end-user software engineering requirements, thus empowering the knowledge worker to eliminate such intermediaries as system analysts and application programmers, will be discussed. Advantages of direct representation of user requirements in executable knowledge management application specification, as well as the resulting system agility and ease of maintenance will be presented.
The state-of-the-art in the end-user software engineering area pertaining to the knowledge management systems realm will comprise information about the on-going research and development efforts.
The principal features of a knowledge management system toolbox will be presented comprising such functional areas as semantic modelling of knowledge object repositories, adaptive management of knowledge management processes, as well as end-user graphic interface modelling and implementation.



Complexity in the Digital Age - How can IT Help, not Hurt

Martin Mocker
MIT, USA and Reutlingen University

Brief Bio
Martin Mocker is a Research Scientist at the MIT Sloan Center for Information Systems Research (MIT CISR). His research focuses on managing IT and digitization, especially business complexity in the digital age, building digitized platforms as well as the impact of digitization on organizations. Martin is faculty chair for an executive education program on digital strategy at the MIT Sloan School of Management.Martin is also professor of business administration and information systems at ESB Business School, Reutlingen University, Germany.Previously, he held faculty positions at Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University, in the Netherlands and Hult International Business School in London, UK. Before joining academia, Martin worked as an Engagement Manager and consultant at McKinsey & Company with senior executives on strategic IT challenges.Martin's research has been published e.g. in Sloan Management Review, Management Information Systems Quarterly and the European Journal for Information Systems; he is also a member of the editorial board for the Journal of Strategic Information Systems.Martin holds a doctoral degree from the University of Muenster and a degree in computer science from the University of Dortmund, Germany.

Most executives see IT as a major source of complexity in their organizations. However, IT can also help companies to better manage business complexity. As businesses enter new geographies, develop new products, open new channels, add more granular customer segments, and acquire other companies, they become more complex. And with complexity usually comes cost. Mastering complexity, however, involves more than just getting rid of it. As it turns out, top performing companies find their "complexity sweet spot" by creating value from product complexity (think about providing customers with choice, full-service offerings, customization options, or integrated
solutions) while at the same time keeping processes for customers and employees simple. Martin will discuss how IT and the IT unit can help companies to advance toward their complexity sweet spot.



Towards Data-driven Models of Human Behavior

Nuria Oliver
Independent Researcher

Brief Bio
Nuria Oliver is currently the Scientific Director and founder of the User, Data and Media Intelligence research areas in Telefonica Research (Barcelona, Spain). She is responsible for the HCI, Mobile Computing, Big and Personal Data Mining, User Modeling and Multimedia Research Areas. Nuria received the BSc (honors) and MSc degrees in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science from the ETSIT at the Universidad Politecnica of Madrid (UPM), Spain, in 1992 and 1994 respectively. She received her PhD degree from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Cambridge, MA, in June 2000. From July 2000 until November 2007, she was a researcher at Microsoft Research in Redmond, WA. At the end of 2007, she returned to Spain to create and lead her research team. Her research interests include mobile computing, personal and big data analysis, smart environments, context awareness, multimedia data analysis, recommender systems, statistical machine learning and data mining, artificial intelligence, health monitoring, social network analysis, computational social sciences, and human computer interaction. She is currently working on the previous disciplines to build human-centric intelligent systems and improve the work with technology. Nuria has written over 100 scientific papers in international conferences, journals and book chapters. Her work has been widely recognized by the scientific community with over 8100 citations. According to Google Scholar Nuria is the most cited female computer scientist in Spain. Nuria has 40 patent applications and granted patents. She is also in the program committee and a reviewer of the top conferences in her research areas (IJCAI, IUI, UMAP, ACM Multimedia, ICMI-MLMI, SocialComp, Interaccion, PervasiveHealth, MIR, LoCA, MMM, CVPR, Ubicomp, MobileHCI, ICCV, AAAI, etc...). She was program co-chair of IUI 2009 and of MIR 2010, general conference co-chair of UMAP 2011, industry-day co-chair of IJCAI 2011, track co-chair of ACM WWW 2013 and track founder and co-chair in ACM MM 2014, among others. She believes in the power of technology to empower and increase the quality of life of people. She has received a number of awards, including a Rising Start Award by the Women's Forum for the Economy and Society (2009), MIT’s ‘TR100 Young Innovators Award’ (2004) and the First Spanish Award of EECS graduates (1994). Besides her scientific publications, she is very interested in making science available to the general public. She has been a technology writer for Tecno2000 magazine and ‘El Pais’ newspapers, among others. Her work has been featured on multiple newspapers, magazines, radio and TV stations both in Spain and the US. She has been featured in EL PAIS Sunday magazine as one of a few 'female directors in technology' (2012), named Rising Talent by the Women's Forum for Economy & Society (October 2009), one of the 'most influential young women in Spain' (MujerHoy Magazine, 2012), one of '100 leaders of the future ' by Capital Magazine (May 2009) and one of the 'Generation XXI: 40 Spanish youngsters that will make news in the Third Millenium ' by EL PAIS (2000).

In my talk, I will present some of the work on human behavior modeling and inference from data, both at the individual and aggregate levels, including facial expressions, interactive behaviors, office activities, driver maneuvers, sleep apnea and public health. I will highlight opportunities and challenges associated with building data-driven models of human behavior, particularly with mobile phones.


