International Workshop on
Ubiquitous Computing
(IWUC 2004)
April 13-14, 2004 - Porto, Portugal
First Announcement and Call for Papers
See here the workshop program:

In conjunction with the Sixth International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems - ICEIS 2004
PDF Version
Soraya Kouadri Mostéfaoui (primary contact)
Dep. of Computer Science
University of Fribourg
Chemin Du Musée 03 CH-1700
Phone: (41) 26 300 84 72
Fax: (41) 26 300 97 31
Zakaria Maamar
College of ISs
Zayed University
P.O. Box 19282, Dubai U.A.E
Phone: (971) 4 2082 461
Fax: (971) 4 2640 854
Omer Rana
School of Computer Science and Welsh E-Science Centre,
Cardiff University,
5 The Parade, Cardiff CF24 3XF, UK
email: o.f.rana@cs.cardiff.ac.uk
phone: +44 29 2087 5542
fax: +44 29 2087 4598
Workshop Background and Goals
The development and availability of new computing and communication devices, and the
increased connectivity between these devices, thanks to wired and wireless networks, are enabling new opportunities for people to perform
their operations anywhere and anytime. Furthermore, due to the high acceptance rate of such devices by the user
community, it is expected that these devices will become so pervasive that most users will take them for granted. Generally known as
Ubiquitous Computing (UC), the vision of UC is to push computational services out of conventional desktop interfaces into environments
characterized by transparent forms of interactivity.
Despite the growing interest in UC, there is still some progress to be made before UC shifts from the research mode to the commercial
and intensive use modes. The support technologies, however, are improving at an impressive pace. Most of the research and development activities
are currently aimed at improving the devices themselves and the technologies
these devices will use to communicate. At present, the main use of mobile devices is still voice-oriented, but several indicators show
that this is changing. 3G networks (e.g., GPRS, UMTS) and recent development of communication and presentation protocols (e.g., XML,
WAP) are being combined to give users a high-quality experience of
data-centric services.
Besides the central role that hardware infrastructure plays in the expansion and penetration of UC, other issues still need to be tackled
to better assist developers of UC applications. Developers are put on the front line of satisfying the promise of businesses and service
providers for delivering Internet content to mobile devices. Indeed, the fact that an application for mobile users has different
requirements, calls for new techniques to identify and specify these requirements. With regard to users, it is expected that they will be
frequently engaged in complex operations such as searching the net for better business opportunities. Therefore, their association with
intelligent components, to act as proxies, is deemed appropriate. UC environments of the near future will be populated by a large number of
computing devices, spread across the network, and often invisible. These devices need to be coordinated for better interactions. Devices,
whether carried on by people or embedded into other systems (within the home or at other sites), will constitute a global networking
infrastructure -- and likely to provide a new level of openness and dynamics. These interactions raise many new issues that draw upon
existing research areas, as well as introduce new research and development challenges, in technical areas (such as device design,
wireless communication, location sensing, etc), psychology (privacy concerns, attention focus, multi-person interaction, etc), and design
(direct interaction, work patterns, etc).
Existing global efforts in Grid Computing also shares some similarities with the aims of this workshop, although Grid computing at present is
restricted to high-end computational resources. Making the Grid more open,
and accessible to a wider range of users will also require the need to
address similar challenges.
Topics of interest
In this workshop, we aim to identify ecent and significant developments in the general area of ubiquitous computing. Topics of interests
include, but are not limited to:
- Mobile computing vs. Pervasive computing vs. Ubiquitous computing.
- Design methodologies and evaluation techniques.
- New interfaces and modes of interactions between people and ubiquitous computing devices, applications or environments.
- Grid Computing technologies for Wireless networks
- Context awareness.
- Agent-based ubiquitous applications.
- Services for ubiquitous applications.
- Middleware for service discovery.
- Integration of wired and wireless networks.
- Enabling technologies such as Bluetooth, 802.11, etc.
- Security and privacy issues.
- Visionary future scenarios.
- Mobile services
- Performance tuning of mobile applications
Format of the Workshop
The workshop will consist of oral presentations. The proceedings of the workshop will be published in the form of a book by ICEIS.
Invited Keynote Speaker
Dr. Michael Berger from Siemens AG, Germany
Submission of Papers
There will be two types of papers: long (approx. 4000 words) and short (approx. 2000 words). Furthermore, a keynote speaker and a discussion
panel are planned. Postscript/RTF
versions of the manuscript should be submitted thru ICEIS
web-based paper submission procedure.
Important Dates
Full paper submission: January 15, 2004
Author notification: February 15, 2004
Camera-ready paper submission: March 1, 2004
Workshop Program Committee:
L. Baresi (Dipartimento di Elettronica e
Informazione Politecnico di Milano, Italy)
P. Bellavista (Bologna University, Italy)
A. Bhatti (Zayed University, UAE)
W. Binder (EPFL, Switzerland)
B. Benatallah (The University of New South Wales, Australia)
M. Brian Blake (Georgetown University USA)
G. Da Bormida (Giunti Research, Italy)
G. Dimarzo Serugendo (University of Geneva, Switzerland)
M. Dumas (Queensland University of Technology, Australia)
S. Dustdar (Vienna University of Technology , Austria)
L. Esmahi (Athabasca University, Canada)
B. Farouk (Eurecom, France)
T. Finin (UMBC, USA)
O. FOUIAL (ENST, France)
B. Habib (ENST, France)
S. Helal (University of Florida, USA)
A. Lahlou (University of Versailles, France)
D. K.W. Chiu (Dickson Computer Systems, Hong Kong, China)
A. Karageorgos (UMIST, United Kingdom)
B. Koenig-Ries (TU München, Germany)
G. Kouadri Mostéfaoui (University of Fribourg, Switzerland)
W. Mansoor (Zayed University, UAE)
D. McMullen (Pervasive Technologies Lab, Indiana University, USA)
B. Michael (Siemens, Germany)
D. MEDDOUR (France Telecom R&D, France)
B. Medjahed (Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University)
A. Messer (Samsung, USA)
T. NADOUR (ENST, France)
N. Narendra (IBM Software Labs, India)
M. Ouzzani (Virginia Tech, USA)
A. Popovici (ETH Zurich, Switzerland)
M. Rauterberg (Technical University Eindhoven, The Netherlands)
J. Shepherdson (British Telecommunications, UK)
A. Skarmeta (University of Murcia, Spain)
S. Tatesh (Lucent Technologies, UK)
A. Toufik (University of Versailles, France)
M. Ulieru (University of Calgary, Canada)
C. Van Aart (University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands)
Q. Z. Sheng (The University of New South Wales, Australia)
Conference Location
The workshop will be held at the Universidade Portucalense, Porto, Portugal.
Registration Information
To attend the workshop you need to register at http://www.iceis.org
ICEIS 2004 Secretariat - International Workshop on Ubiquitous Computing (IWUC 2003)
Universidade Portucalense
Rua Dr. António Bernardino de Almeida, 541-619
4200-072 Porto Portugal
Tel: +351225572512
Fax: +351225572015
E-mail: workshops ( at ) iceis.org
Web site: http://www.iceis.org
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