Invited Speakers
Keynote lectures are plenary sessions which are scheduled for taking
about 45 minutes + 10 minutes for questions
Keynote Lectures List:
- Moira C. Norrie,
ETH Zurich,
- Ricardo Baeza-Yates,
VP of Yahoo! Research for Europe and LatAm, Barcelona, Spain and
Santiago, Chile
- Jorge Cardoso,
SAP AG, Germany
- Jean-Marie Favre,
University of Grenoble, LIG, France
Keynote Lecture 1 - The Link between Paper and Information Systems |
Dr. Moira C.
ETH Zurich
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Brief Bio of Dr Moira C. Norrie
Moira C. Norrie is a Professor of Computer Science at
ETH Zurich where she leads the Global Information Systems (GlobIS)
research group. She studied in her home country of Scotland, obtaining a
BSc in Mathematics from the University of Dundee, an MSc in Computer
Science from Heriot-Watt University and a PhD in Computer Science from
the University of Glasgow.
Moira’s research and teaching focuses on the use of object-oriented and
web technologies for next generation information systems. In the early
1990s, she developed the OM model of data which supports an extended
entity-relationship approach to data management in object-oriented
systems. Since then a number of OMS systems and frameworks have been
developed within her group based on the OM model. The latest is OMS Avon
which is a semantic data management layer for db4o. A common goal of
many research projects is to investigate how object databases can be
empowered to support novel forms of interaction and information sharing.
The OMS systems have been used as implementation platforms for numerous
projects within the GlobIS group. These include the development of
iPaper which is a general framework for the prototyping and production
of interactive paper documents and paper-based interfaces to
Emerging technologies for interactive paper make it
possible to capture and access information from paper in a variety of
interesting ways. Over the past seven years, we have developed a rich
infrastructure for the prototyping and production of interactive paper
documents and paper-based interfaces to applications. We will provide a
review of this work, starting with a motivation for reforming rather
than replacing paper and then going on to describe various ways in which
paper can be linked to information systems to support both the capture
of and access to information. This will include an introduction to
commercial digital pen and paper technologies that can be used to
capture user actions on paper as well as our own iPaper framework and
associated publishing tools.
Keynote Lecture 2 - Towards a Distributed Search Engine |
Dr. Ricardo
VP of Yahoo! Research for Europe and LatAm
Barcelona, Spain and Santiago, Chile
Email -
Webpage |
Brief Bio of Dr. Ricardo Baeza-Yates
Ricardo Baeza-Yates received the bachelor degree in
CS in 1983 from the University of Chile. Later, he received also the
M.Sc. in CS (1985), the professional title in electrical engineering
(1985) and the M.Eng. in iEE (1986) from the same university. He
received his Ph.D. in CS from the U. of Waterloo, Canada, in 1989. In
1992 he was elected president of the Chilean Computer Science Society
(SCCC) until 1995, being elected again in 1997. During 1993, he received
the Organization of American States award for young researchers in exact
sciences. In 1997 with two Brazilian colleagues obtained the COMPAQ
prize to best Brazilian research article in CS. During 2002-2004 he was
member of the Board of Governors of the IEEE Computer Society. In 2003
he was incorporated to the Chilean Academy of Sciences, being the first
computer scientist to achieve this position.Currently he is director of
Yahoo! Research Barcelona and Yahoo! Research Latinamerica in Santiago,
Chile. During 2005 he was an ICREA Professor at Universitat Pompeu Fabra
in Barcelona. He also was a professor and director of the Center for Web
Research, that he founded in 2002, at the CS department of the
University of Chile, where he was the chairperson in the period 1993-5
and 2003-4. His research interests include information retrieval,
algorithms, and information visualization. He is co-author of the book
Modern Information Retrieval, published in 1999 by Addison-Wesley, as
well as co-author of the 2nd edition of the Handbook of Algorithms and
Data Structures, Addison-Wesley, 1991; and co-editor of Information
Retrieval: Algorithms and Data Structures, Prentice-Hall, 1992, between
other publications in journals published by ACM, IEEE or SIAM. He has
been visiting professor or invited speaker at several conferences and
universities all around the world, as well as referee of several
journals, conferences, NSF, etc. He is member of the ACM, EATCS, IEEE,
Distributed search engines are often more complex to
implement compared to centralized engines. Distributing a search engine
across multiple sites, however, has several advantages. In particular,
it enables the utilization of less computer resources and the
exploitation of data and user locality. In this presentation we show the
feasibility of distributed Web search engines, by proposing a model for
assessing the total cost of a distributed Web-search engine that
includes the computational costs as well as the communication cost among
all distributed sites.
Using examples, we show that a distributed Web search engine can be more
cost effective than a centralized one, if there is a large percentage of
local queries, which is usually the case.
We then present a query-processing algorithm that maximizes the amount
of queries answered locally, without sacrificing the quality of the
results, by using caching and partial replication.
We simulate our algorithm on real document collections and real query
workloads to measure the actual parameters needed for our cost model,
and we show that a distributed search engine can be competitive compared
to a centralized architecture with respect to cost. This is joint work
with Aris Gionis, Flavio Junqueira, Vassilis Plachouras and Luca
Keynote Lecture 3 - Service Engineering for Future Business Value Networks |
Dr. Jorge Cardoso
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Brief Bio of Dr. Jorge Cardoso
He is currently the Director of the SEED Laboratory.
He previously gave lectures at University of Georgia (USA) and at the
Instituto Politécnico de Leiria (Portugal). Dr. Cardoso received his
Ph.D. in Computer Science from the University of Georgia in 2002 (with
Amit Sheth). While at the University of Georgia, he was part of the
LSDIS Lab. where he did extensive research on workflow management
systems. In 1999, he worked at the Boeing Company on enterprise
application integration with Christoph Bussler. Dr. Cardoso was the
co-organizer and co-chair of the First, Second, and Third International
Workshop on Semantic and Dynamic Web Processes. He has published over 70
refereed papers in the areas of workflow management systems, semantic
Web, and related fields. He has also edited 3 books on semantic Web and
Web services. He is on the Editorial Board of the Enterprise Information
Systems Journal, the International Journal on Semantic Web and
Information systems, and the International Journal of Information
Technology. He is also member of the Editorial Advisory Review Board of
Idea Group Inc. Prior to joining the University of Georgia, he worked
for two years at CCG, Zentrum für Graphische Datenverarbeitung, where is
did research on Computer Supported Cooperative Work.
Traditionally, business value networks have
orchestrated human and technical resources that worked together to form
relationships and to add value to a product or service. The Internet and
the Web have extended traditional business networks by allowing also a
web of different digital resources to work together to create value.
Additionally, the increasing adoption of service-oriented architectures
has allowed the creation of service ecosystems in which Web services are
exposed and connected. The TEXO project proposes to combine these two
trends to create what is called Future Business Value Networks which
enable IT-supported value networks via service ecosystems. This paper
addresses the main challenging issues that need to be explored to
provide an integrated technical infrastructure to support this emerging
new type of business networks.
Keynote Lecture 4 - FROM STONE AGE TO INFORMATION AGE: (Software) Languages through the Ages |
Dr. Jean-Marie Favre
University of Grenoble, LIG
Email -
Webpage |
Brief Bio of Dr. Jean-Marie Favre
Jean-Marie Favre is an Assistant Professor at the
University of Grenoble. He works at the Laboratory for Informatics at
Grenoble (LIG), which is one of the largest Computer Science
laboratories in France. He defines himself as a Software Language
Archaeologist Software Explorer. He studies the long-term evolution of
large industrial software. He is a member of various research networks
on Software Revolution, Reverse Engineering, and Model Driven
Engineering. He co-organized various international events in particular
the ATEM series and the International Conference on Software Language
Engineering (SLE). He co-edited a book (in French) entitled "Beyond MDA
: Model Driven Engineering". Finally he actively practices Community
Engineering, Research 2.0 in the context of XFOR.
Information Systems can be traced back to prehistory,
although at that time the way information was recorded and transmitted
was obviously rudimentary. The “invention” of writing marks the move
from Pre-history to History. It played a fundamental role in the
apparition of complex societies and corresponding Information Systems.
In fact, the story of Information Technology is actually closely linked
to the History of Writing, the History of Computing and the History of
Informatics. The notion of information is obviously central to
all these fields, but what is interesting and sometimes forgotten is
that no information can be shared without some agreement on some kind of
The notion of language is key, both for mankind and for Informatics. In
this presentation we give a short presentation of languages, starting
from natural languages, to languages for special purposes, languages for
sciences and techniques, computer languages and finally what we coin as
Software Languages, namely languages used to develop the
Software. This includes ontologies, schemas, grammars, metamodels, and
many kinds of proto-languages taking different forms. We argue that the
notion of Software Language is a cornerstone of modern Information
Systems. For the first time in the history of mankind implicit and
informal descriptions of languages are no longer suitable to
information-processing needs. Automatic processing will be possible only
if the description of software languages is made explicit. We argue that
this requirement should be considered both from a scientific and
an engineering perspective, leading respectively to the emerging fields
of Software Linguistics and Software Language Engineering.