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The role of the tutorials is to provide a platform for a more intensive scientific exchange amongst researchers interested in a particular topic and as a meeting point for the community. Tutorials complement the depth-oriented technical sessions by providing participants with broad overviews of emerging fields. A tutorial can be scheduled for 1.5 or 3 hours.

Tutorial on
Fractal Enterprise Model (FEM) and its usage for Business Model Innovation (BMI)


Ilia Bider
DSV, Stockholm University
Brief Bio
She has actively combined research activities with practical work, in the end settling down in the academia as a University Lecturer at the Department of Computer and Systems Sciences (DSV) of Stockholm University to reflect on my practical experience and, if possible, transfer the knowledge acquired to the younger generation. Having background in both engineering (MS from a Moscow Technical University), and science (PhD from the Swedish Royal Institute of Technology, and Docent from Stockholm University), she worked in practice in different capacities, such as programmer, bug-fixer, group and project leader, technical and business consultant, functioning as an employee for others, and as a co-founder of a Swedish consulting business IbisSoft. She always use my practical experience as inspiration for research, and my practice as a test-bed for new research ideas. This practice has not been affected by my move from the industry to academia. As the result, the project group that she led got both national (SISA) and international (AIS) awards for innovation in teaching in 2017.

The latest events have shown that the business environment of today is volatile and a modern enterprise may suddenly need to totally review its Business Model (BM) in order to survive and prosper in the dynamic world. The goal of this tutorial is twofold. Firstly, it introduces a new type of enterprise modeling technique called Fractal Enterprise Model (FEM). Secondly, it illustrates how FEM can be used for Business Model Innovation (BMI). FEM expresses the relationships between the enterprise assets and its business processes. The innovation consists of finding a new way of using enterprise assets to produce value for a new or the same group of customers. An example related to changing BMI due to limitations created by the pandemic will be used to illustrate using FEM in BMI. The tutorial starts with introducing FEM and publicly available tool that supports drawing FEM diagrams, and illustrating how FEM could be used for BMI. The introduction is followed by an exercise in which the participants will apply the approach and invent a new business model given a textual example of a business situation.

enterprise model, enterprise architecture, business model innovation, business transformation, organizational change

Aims and Learning Objectives
1)Introduce participants to a new type of enterprise modeling - Fractal Enterprise Model (FEM) - that can be used for multiple purposes.
2)Go deeper in one of possible areas of FEM application - Business Model Innovation, which became of much importance lately. After the tutorial, the participants should be able to generate alternative business models and assess them given an existing model of an enterprise.

Target Audience
Academics and practitioners who are interested in practical usage of Enterprise Modelling and/or in innovation in general, and Business Model Innovation (BMI) in particular

Prerequisite Knowledge of Audience
The tutorial is practically oriented, it requires acquaintance with how an enterprise or any other human organization functions, either from the theoretical or from practical perspective (basic level is enough). General understanding of modeling (of any kind), especially modeling of business, or human-related activities is also desirable.

Detailed Outline
(1) Presentation of basics of Fractal Enterprise Model (FEM) using FEM toolkit in a Zoom session. Participants will be recommended to download and install FEM toolkit on their computers before the tutorial starts.

(2) Presentation of usage of FEM for Business Model Innovation (BMI) using examples. One example is related to situation created by the pandemic.

(3) Participants are split in small teams and go to break rooms in Zoom to complete an exercise based on a textual description of a business situation. Assumption is that at least one member of each team installs FEM toolkit, which makes it easier to complete the exercise.

(4) The instructor visits break rooms to answer the questions and provide help.

(5) Everybody gathers back to the main zoom room. Each group presents the result of their exercise, which will follow by general discussion.

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