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The role of the tutorials is to provide a platform for a more intensive scientific exchange amongst researchers interested in a particular topic and as a meeting point for the community. Tutorials complement the depth-oriented technical sessions by providing participants with broad overviews of emerging fields. A tutorial can be scheduled for 1.5 or 3 hours.

Decision Modeling & Mining for Business Processes


Jan Vanthienen
Decision Sciences and Information Management, KU Leuven
Brief Bio
Jan Vanthienen is full professor of business & information systems engineering at KU Leuven (Belgium), Department of Decision Sciences and Information Management. He is an active researcher in the area of intelligent business systems (rules, decisions, processes, analytics). He has published more than 150 full papers in reviewed international journals and conference proceedings. Jan is a founding member of the Leuven Institute for Research in Information Systems (LIRIS), and a member of the ACM and the IEEE Computer Society. He is or was chairholder of the bpost bank Research Chair on Actionable Customer Analytics, the Colruyt Research Chair on Smart Marketing Analytics, the PricewaterhouseCoopers Chair on E-Business and the Microsoft Research Chair on Intelligent Environments. He received an IBM Faculty Award in 2011 on smart decisions, and the Belgian Francqui Chair 2009 at FUNDP. He is co-founder and president-elect of the Benelux Association for Information Systems (BENAIS). Jan is actively involved in the Decision Modeling & Notation standard (DMN) at OMG (Object Management Group). This standard is designed to complement the Business Process Modeling & Notation (BPMN) standard, in order to integrate and distinguish business processes and business decisions. He is also member of the IEEE task force on process mining, and co-author of the Business Process Mining Manifesto.

With increasing demand for business process automation, the need for the automation of routine business decisions grows, as business processes can contain a lot of decisions or can even be the enactment of one major decision: granting a loan, insurance or premium; simple diagnosis; etc. In order to improve and speed up processes, also decisions have to be modeled, improved and automated. Business processes and business process models incorporate lots of decisions. Business decisions are important, but are often hidden in process flows or activities. It is not considered good practice to model the detailed decision paths in the business process model, because hardcoding decision flows in processes leads to complex and inflexible process models. In analogy with the Business Process Modeling & Notation Standard (BPMN), a Decision Model & Notation standard (DMN) was developed by OMG. Decision modeling describes business decisions to be made, with their interrelationships and requirements, together with the detailed decision logic used to make the decision. One of the common forms of decision modeling is a structure of decision tables, describing the premises and resulting outcomes of a specific decision situation. This tutorial introduces decision modeling and describes the relations between business decisions, decision tables, and business processes.


Decision Modeling, DMN, Business Process Modeling, BPMN, Decision Mining

Aims and Learning Objectives

This tutorial takes you through decision modeling and methodology, including best practices, examples and experiences, for modeling decisions in real business situations (insurance, legislation, credit scoring, operating procedures, …).

What you will learn:
• The concepts, notation and objectives of decision modeling
• A methodology to construct decision models and tables in the DMN standard
• How decision modeling can be used with, without, before or next to business process modeling
• And mainly: lessons from a long experience on how to build, analyze and verify decision models in numerous application domains.

Target Audience

Researchers and practitioners in business process management, enterprise architecture, decision support systems, business analytics

Prerequisite Knowledge of Audience

The basics of business process management

Detailed Outline

- Decisions and processes
- Why Decision Modeling?
- Concept, objectives and advantages of decision modeling
- Decision Modeling & Notation (DMN)
* Decision Requirements Level
* Decision Logic Level
- Decision Modeling Methodology
- Decision Mining and Process Mining
- Decisions and processes: which comes first?
- Decision and process integration
- Best practices, applications and experiences
- Tooling
- Research agenda

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Business Process Canvas and its Usage in Teaching and Learning Business Process Modeling


Ilia Bider
IS, DSV, Stockholm University
Brief Bio
She has actively combined research activities with practical work, in the end settling down in the academia as a University Lecturer at the Department of Computer and Systems Sciences (DSV) of Stockholm University to reflect on my practical experience and, if possible, transfer the knowledge acquired to the younger generation. Having background in both engineering (MS from a Moscow Technical University), and science (PhD from the Swedish Royal Institute of Technology, and Docent from Stockholm University), she worked in practice in different capacities, such as programmer, bug-fixer, group and project leader, technical and business consultant, functioning as an employee for others, and as a co-founder of a Swedish consulting business IbisSoft. She always use my practical experience as inspiration for research, and my practice as a test-bed for new research ideas. This practice has not been affected by my move from the industry to academia. As the result, the project group that she led got both national (SISA) and international (AIS) awards for innovation in teaching in 2017.

The tutorial introduces a new type of canvas called Business Process Canvas (BPC), and discusses experience of its usage in an IS course related to Business Process Modelling/Management (BPM). BPC represents a model of a business process in a nutshell that covers the most important aspects of the process, in-cluding its place in the organization, resources that it uses, and how it is driven. The canvas could be used in practice for decision making on a higher level when particular details are not important for the decision. It can also be used by process mapping experts for a pre-modelling phase to gather and systematize basic data about the process before diving into details; this could be especially useful for new, less experience process modellers. However, the primary motivation behind the development of BPC was to have a tool that facilitates both the students' understanding of the concepts related to BPM and their learning of how to model a process given a text description, or interviewing people engaged in the process. The tutorial introduces the structure of the canvas, discusses the experience of its usage, and devotes some time for exercises where the participants fill the canvas based on process descriptions.


business process, business process modelling, teaching and learning, canvas

Aims and Learning Objectives

Acquiring knowledge on a new tool that can be used in practice and teaching of business process modeling

Target Audience

1) Academics engaged in teaching Business Process Management/Modeling

2) Practitioners engaged in process modeling of any sort

3)Practitioner engaged in strategic business decision making related to business processes.

Prerequisite Knowledge of Audience

Knowledge on business process modeling of any kind

Detailed Outline

1)Presentation of basic concepts and layout of BPC

2)Exercise 1. Participants test BPC by filling it based on the text description of a process used in the exam of our course. The instructor makes rounds to answer questions from the participants.

3)Discussion around the exercise.

4)Presentation of how BPC was used in the course, and what the students think.

5)Exercise 2. Participants fills the canvas for a process from own practice. The instructor makes rounds to answer questions from the participants.

6) General discussion on the applicability of the canvas in academia and practice.

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Meet the Editor Session: Journal of Knowledge Management and Journal of Intellectual Capital


Manlio Del Giudice
University of Rome Link Campus
Brief Bio
Manlio Del Giudice is Full Professor of Management at the University of Rome “Link Campus”, where he serves as Deputy Chancellor of the Campus of Naples and Director of the CERMES Research Centre. He is among the 20 youngest Full Professors in Italy, in every scientific field. He received a PhD in Management from the University of Milano-Bicocca and he has taught in a wide number of universities worldwide, where he is actually affiliated. He is the Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Knowledge Management. His researches appeared or are forthcoming in flagship journals like MIS Quarterly, Journal of Organizational Behavior, Journal of World Business, Long Range Planning, Technological Forecasting and Social Change, International Marketing Review, Information Systems Management, Creativity and Innovation Management, Journal of Technology Transfer, International Journal of Human Resource Management, Production Planning and Control, Business Process Management Journal. He is actually serving as Director for Research and Scholarly Relations within the Euromed Research Business Institute. His scholar profile shows about 100 peer-reviewed articles, about 50 of them ranked in the highest “A Class” within the Italian rankings, and 12 international monographs by flagship publishers like Springer, Palgrave Macmillan, Elsevier, Emerald. His studies had been internationally recognized by significant impact, as evidenced by the about 3,400 citations (December, 2018) he has received on Google Scholar (H-index = 26). His main research interests deal with knowledge management, technology transfer, innovation and technology management, cross-cultural management.
Valentina Cillo
Polytechnic University of Marche
Brief Bio
Valentina Cillo is Professor of Corporate Strategy and General Management joining the Campus of Naples of the University of Rome “Link Campus” in Italy, where she is also in charge as Area Director of the Innovation Management Area for the Centre of Research CERMES. She did recently joined the “Università Politecnica delle Marche” where she is Researcher on Management. She is also serving as Area Director for the Knowledge Management and Innovation Research Center at the Euromed Business Research Institute in Cyprus. She is among the youngest Associate Editor in Italy on top tier journals, serving as Section Editor of the Journal of Intellectual Capital (IF 3.634). She is member of the Editorial Advisory Board (EAB) of several international top tier journals such as Journal of Knowledge Management (Emerald), Journal of Innovation and Entrepreneurship (Springer), Journal of Learning and Intellectual Capital (Inderscience). She also serves as Ad hoc Reviewer for several international journals like Small Business Economics, Journal of Business Research, International Marketing Review, Product, Planning and Control, Technological Forecasting and Social Change. During the 11th Annual EuroMed Conference of the EuroMed Academy of Business (2017) she recently won the Best Area Director Award for the activity provided for the Knowledge Management and Innovation Research Center. She recently acted as keynote speaker in un a number of worldwide conferences (like the last IEEE Conference on Digital Innovation, in Morocco). Her main research interests include, corporate strategy, knowledge management, open innovation, customer relationship managment and sustainable management. Her researches appeared or are about to be published in such top tier international journals like Technological Forecasting and Social Change, International Marketing Review, Journal of Business Research and Journal of Knowledge Management. Linkedin:

The goal of this session is to give the opportunity for all participants to meet editor-in-chiefs of A-grade journals at the main conference.
In this session the participants will have the opportunity to learn and share the latest results in these journals, learn more regarding the reviewing process and have a glance of the most important challenges on publishing scientific results including tips on how to write your article, publishing ethics and data sharing.
The editor-in-chiefs will be available to answer questions, hear ideas and discuss any comments about the journals.

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