9th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
12-16, June 2007            Funchal, Madeira - Portugal
Full Paper Submission: deadline expired
Authors Notification: deadline expired
Final Paper Submission and Registration: deadline expired

Call For Papers
Doctoral Consortium
Program Committee
Keynote Lectures
Special Sessions



The 5th International Workshop on
Modelling, Simulation, Verification and Validation of Enterprise Information Systems (MSVVEIS 2007)
12-13 June, 2007 - Funchal, Madeira - Portugal

Workshop Program

In conjunction with the 9th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2007)
Sponsored by           

Juan C. Augusto

University of Ulster at Jordanstown

Joseph Barjis

Georgia Southern University

Ulrich Ultes-Nitsche
University of Fribourg

Background and Goals
One of the challenges of 21st century is the “Alignment of Business Processes and IT” in a large scale such as an Enterprise where different applications and systems are integrated into a larger system called Enterprise Information System (EIS). Researchers are facing two major questions when they meet and solve this challenge “what causes the gap” and “how the gap evolves.” These questions have been studied, answered, and reported in numerous publications that have found: the gap is caused by a misunderstanding of the underlying business processes; the gap originates at the business processes level, passes to the software development level and finally it further evolves at an enterprise level through the application of EIS (creating a misalignment of Business Process and IT). However, more study is needed to ensure correct and appropriate EIS alignment with the underlying business process and the mission of the enterprise. To achieve this alignment software applications should be correct (validated and verified), and for them to be aligned with the Business Process modelling and simulation should be used through the different development stages. The aim of this workshop is to stimulate the exchange of ideas and experiences of practitioners, researchers, and engineers working in the area of modelling, simulation, verification, and validation of business processes and software in the context of EIS.

Topics of interest
We welcome papers, both theoretical and practical, from all areas related to those aspects of business processes modelling and simulation and software development and evaluation that can increase the confidence in the correctness of EIS systems, such as:
• Business process modelling & simulation
• Business process analysis & design
• Workflow modelling & simulation
• IS modelling& design
• Requirements specifications
• Modelling guidelines for practitioners
• Integration of modelling & specification
• Case studies
• Petri nets (business/industry applications)
• Formal methods
• Notation standards (UML, XML, …)
• Use cases
• Process algebra
• Model checking & Testing
• Combination of verification systems
• Consistency checking and data integrity
• Large scale component-based develop.
• Application integration
• Reuse of specifications and proofs
• Quality control and assurance
• Software architecture
• Quality attributes
• Dependability
• Deductive systems
• Safety critical systems
• Finite-state abstr. of infinite-state systems

We aim at including papers on methods currently used in industry for EIS modelling, simulation, verification and validation as well as existing approaches in academic environments, hoping to benefit both practitioners and researchers.

Submission of Papers
Three main categories of submissions will be considered: a) regular papers, b) work in progress by Ph.D. students, and c) tool demonstrations. Please indicate clearly the category your paper is submitted to.
The length of the paper should not exceed 10 pages. Instructions for preparing the manuscript (in Word and Latex format) are available at the ICEIS web site. PDF/PS//RTF versions of the manuscript should be submitted electronically using the ICEIS web-based submission system. In addition, an email must be sent to all workshop chairs including: title and an abstract of the submitted paper, three keywords from the list of interesting areas given above, category and authors' affiliation. Submissions not complying with the formatting guidelines will not be evaluated.

Workshop Format
The workshop will consist of oral presentations of peer-reviewed papers and invited keynote speeches. The proceedings of the workshop will be published in the form of a book by INSTICC Press.

As in previous years, a collection of best papers will be recommended for a Special Issue in an International Journal (JEIS, published by Taylor & Francis). More details in the SI webpage.

The best oral and poster presentations will be awarded a prize during the workshop.

Important Dates
Paper Submission: March 5, 2007
Author Notification: April 3, 2007
Final Camera-Ready and Registration: April 16, 2007

Workshop Program Committee
Carmen Bobeanu (Ghent U. - Belgium)
David Bustard (U. of Ulster - UK)
Rodney Clarke (U. of Wollongong - Australia)
Jan Dietz (Delft U. of Tech. -Netherlands)
Doron Drusinsky (Time Rover, Inc. , USA)
Andy Gravell (U. of Southampton - UK)
John Grundy (U. of Auckland - N.Zealand)
Oleg Gusikhin (Ford Research & AE - USA)
Klaus Havelund (NASA/Jet Propulsion Laboratory - USA)
Xudong He (Florida International U. - USA)
Myungchul Kim (I.C.U. - Korea)
Guangyuan Li (Chinese Academy of Sciences)
Shaoying Liu (Hosei U. - Japan)
Pericles Loucopoulos (UMIST - UK)
Jose Maldonado (ICMC - Brazil)
Pedro Merino Gómez (U. de Málaga - Spain)
Daniel Moldt (U. of Hamburg - Germany)
Mohan Narasipuram (City U. of Hong Kong)
Frank Niessner (U. of Fribourg - Switzerland)
Alfredo Olivero (UADE - Argentina)
John Van der Poll (U. of South Africa - SA)
Alexander Pretschner (ETH Zürich-Switzerland)
Srini Ramaswamy (U. of Arkansas - USA)
Han Reichgelt (Georgia Southern U. - USA)
Marc Roper (U of Strathclyde - UK)
Natalia Sidorova (Eindhoven U. - Netherlands)
Lone L. Thomsen (Aalborg U. - Denmark)
Mauricio Varea (SigmaTel - UK)
Dianxiang Xu (North Dakota State U - USA)
Lok Yeung (Lingnan U. - Hong Kong)
Chao Wang (NEC Labs America, USA)

Workshop Location
The workshop will take place in conjunction with the 9th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2007) in Funchal, Madeira - Portugal.

Registration Information
At least one author of an accepted paper must register for the workshop. If the registration fees are not received by April 9, 2007, the paper will not be published in the proceedings. For registering go to http://www.iceis.org

Further Information
You can find more information about this workshop and requirements here.

ICEIS 2007 Secretariat - The Fifth International Workshop on Modelling, Simulation, Verification and Validation of Enterprise Information Systems (MSVVEIS-2007)
E-mail: workshops@iceis.org
Web site: http://www.iceis.org

Page Updated on 18-05-2007

Copyright © INSTICC