Keynote lectures are plenary sessions which are scheduled for taking
about 45 minutes + 10 minutes for questions
Keynote Lectures List:
Keynote Lecture 1 - Semantics to
Empower Services Science: Using Semantics at Middleware, Web
Services and Business Levels |
Dr. Amit Sheth
Kno.e.sis Center, Wright State University
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Brief Bio of Dr. Amit Sheth
Amit Sheth is an educator, researcher, and entrepreneur. He is the LexisNexis Ohio Eminent Scholar for Advanced Data Management and Analysis at Wright State University, where he directs the Kno.e.sis center for Knowledge enabled Information & Services Science. Earlier, he was a professor at the University of Georgia, where he founded and directed the LSDIS lab, widely recognized as a leading international research group in the areas of semantic Web, SOA and workflows. Before that, he served in R&D groups at Bellcore, Unisys, and Honeywell. His research has led to several commercial products and two companies in the areas of Workflow Management and Semantic Web, which he founded and managed in various executive roles. Professor Sheth is an IEEE Fellow and has received recognitions such as the IBM Faculty award. He has published over 250 papers and articles many of which are highly cited (h-index > 44), given over 190 invited talks and colloquia including 28 keynotes, (co)-organized/chaired 28 conferences/workshops, and served on around 120 program committees. He is on several journal editorial boards and is Editor-in-Chief of the International Journal on Semantic Web and Information Systems ( IJSWIS).
Services are pervasive in today's economic landscape, and services-based architectures are rapidly being adopted as IT infrastructure. The need for a broader perspective on services that takes in people and organizational descriptions in addition to just technical interface descriptions has already been recognized as part of an overall vision of Services Science outlined by IBM. To this mix, we also add the middleware and distributed computing component that enable better implementations and interoperability for Service Oriented Architecture (SOA).
In this context, we present the Semantic Services Science (3S) modeling framework to support service descriptions that capture system/technical, human, organizational and business value aspects. We assert that ontology-based semantic modeling and descriptions can be used to energize services across the broad service spectrum. We describe how 3S approach could be used along four points in this spectrum: (1) semantic descriptions of standard Web services (with the help of SAWSDL and semantic policy descriptions); (2) semantic descriptions of lightweight Web services (with the help of semantic annotation of REST services—SAREST) and semantic mashups (smashups) using Web 2.0 technologies (e.g., REST, AJAX); (3) semantics at the middleware (communication, configuration and adaptation); and (4) ontology-based profiling of people and organizational aspects of the assets associated with the business and knowledge services. This vision can also be expanded to include artifacts in the software cycle. We outline some of the advantages this approach offers in software reuse, versioning, and model-driven development. Such processes would be critical to the agile businesses that are part of our global and networked economy.
Keynote Lecture 2 - Trends in Business Process Analysis: Using Process Mining to Find out What is Really Going on in Your Organization |
Dr. Wil van
der Aalst
University of Technology
The Netherlands
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Brief Bio of Dr. Will van der Aalst
Prof.dr.ir. Wil van der Aalst is a full professor of Information
Systems at the Technische Universiteit Eindhoven (TU/e) having a
position in both the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science
and the department of Technology Management. Currently he is also an
adjunct professor at Queensland University of Technology (QUT)
working within the BPM group there. His research interests include
workflow management, process mining, Petri nets, business process
management, process modeling, and process analysis. Wil van der
Aalst has published more than 70 journal papers, 12 books (as author
or editor), 200 refereed conference publications, and 20 book
chapters. Many of his paper are highly cited and his ideas have
influenced researchers, software developers, and standardization
committees working op process support. He has been a co-chair of
many conferences including the International Conference on
Cooperative Information Systems, the International conference on the
Application and Theory of Petri Nets, and the Business Process
Management conference, and is an editor/member of the editorial
board of several journals, including the Business Process Management
Journal, the International Journal of Business Process Integration
and Management, the International Journal on Enterprise Modelling
and Information Systems Architectures, and Computers in Industry.
Business process analysis ranges from model verification at
design-time to the monitoring of processes at run-time. Much
progress has been achieved in process verification. Today we are
able to verify the entire reference model of SAP without any
problems. Moreover, more and more processes leave their ``trail'' in
the form of event logs. This makes it interesting to apply process
mining to these logs. Interestingly, practical applications of
process mining reveal that reality is often quite different from the
idealized models, also referred to as "PowerPoint reality". Future
process-aware information systems will need to provide full support
of the entire life-cycle of business processes.
Recent results in business process analysis show that this is indeed
possible, e.g., the possibilities offered by process mining tools
such as ProM are breathtaking both from a scientific and practical
Keynote Lecture 4 - Information Logistics in Networked Organisations: Issues, Concepts And Applications |
Dr. Kurt
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Brief Bio of Dr. Kurt Sandkuhl
Kurt Sandkuhl is a full professor of information engineering in the
School of Engineering at Jönköping University in Sweden. He received
his M.S. and Ph.D. in computer science from Technical University of
Berlin in Germany and his postdoctoral lecturing qualification from
Linköping University in Sweden. Before joining Jönköping University
in 2002, Kurt was a scientific employee at Technical University of
Berlin (1988-1994), and department manager (1996-2000) and division
manager (2000-2002) at Fraunhofer-Institute for Software and Systems
Engineering in Berlin. In 1993, he received the innovation award
“Dr.-Ing.-Rudolf-Hell-Innovationspreis” from Linotype-Hell AG,
Germany. Kurt has taught courses on software engineering methods,
development of distributed applications, computer-supported
collaborative work, information logistics, information modeling,
software quality management, information logistics and graduate
seminars in information systems. His current research interests are
in computer-supported collaborative work, information logistics,
ontology engineering and electronic publishing. Kurt has published
three books and more than 50 papers in journals and international
conferences. Furthermore, he was Program Chair and General Chair for
several workshops on collaborative engineering and information
Accurate and readily available information is a crucial basis for
decision making, problem solving, or performing knowledge intensive
work. Routine activities and well-defined work flows are supported
in this respect by sophisticated solutions, like enterprise
information systems or enterprise resource planning systems. But for
deviations from daily routine, ad-hoc processes, work in distributed
teams with changing members or seemingly unstructured innovation
activities, quickly finding the right information for the given
purpose often is a challenge. Recent studies show that users spend a
lot of time in searching for the right information which causes
unnecessary delays and costs. In networked organisations with
geographically distributed work force and processes, this challenge
is even more substantial due to dynamically changing project teams
or shortcomings in systems interoperability. Research in information
logistics addresses these challenges with an aim to improve
information flow, i.e. applying logistic principles to information
supply. Starting from industrial needs, this presentation discusses
challenges, selected concepts and solutions for demand-oriented
information supply. Relevant research fields contributing to this
area are context modelling, ontology engineering, semantic matching
and information retrieval.
Keynote Lecture
5 - Service-Oriented Architecture: One Size fits Nobody |
Dr. Christoph Bussler
BEA Systems, Inc.
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Brief Bio of Dr. Christoph Bussler
Christoph Bussler (http://hometown.aol.com/chbussler) is Staff
Software Engineer at BEA Systems, Inc., working in the core WebLogic
application server product development organization. Before joining
BEA, Chris was architect at Cisco Systems, Inc. in San Jose, CA,
USA, responsible for the service-oriented architecture at Cisco
Systems' Quote-to-Cash business unit. Before taking this position he
was Science Foundation Ireland Professor at the National University
of Ireland, Galway in Ireland and Executive Director of the Digital
Enterprise Research Institute (DERI). In addition to his role as
Executive Director of DERI, Chris led the Semantic Web Services
research group at DERI. Before DERI he was Member of Oracle’s
Integration Platform Architecture Group based in Redwood Shores, CA,
USA. He was responsible for the architecture of Oracle’s next
generation integration product providing EAI, B2B and ASP
integration. Prior to joining Oracle he was at Jamcracker,
Cupertino, CA, USA, responsible for defining Jamcracker’s ASP
aggregation architecture, Netfish Technologies (acquired by IONA),
Santa Clara, CA, USA, responsible for Netfish’s B2B integration
server, The Boeing Company, Seattle, WA, USA, leading Boeing’s
workflow research and Digital Equipment Corporation (acquired by
Compaq, acquired by Hewlett-Packard), Mountain View, CA, USA,
defining the policy resolution component of Digital’s workflow
He has a Ph.D. in computer science from the University of
Erlangen, Germany and a Master in computer science from the
Technical University of Munich, Germany. Chris published a book
titled 'B2B Integration', two books on workflow management, over 100
research papers in journals and academic conferences, he gave
tutorials on several topics including B2B integration, workflow
management and service-oriented architectures and he was keynote
speaker at many conferences and workshops.
Conceptually it is tempting to declare every piece of functionality a
service, put all these services on an enterprise service bus,
compose these services into meaningful business logic and provide
all at runtime for execution. Real information technology
environments are, however, not that simple and require a lot more
differentiation and sophistication. This presentation outlines
different scenarios that lead to different types of requirements
that cannot be addressed by one single service-oriented architecture
(SOA) and implementation approach. Instead, I will argue for
different types of SOAs that are fit for different requirements and
application scenarios.
Keynote Lecture
6 - Introducing an IT Capability Maturity Framework |
Dr. Martin Curley
Intel Corporation
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Brief Bio of Dr. Martin Curley
Martin Curley is Senior Principal Engineer and Global Director of IT
Innovation at Intel Corporation managing a network of Intel® IT
Innovation centres developing advanced IT solutions. Previously
Martin held a number of IT Management positions for Intel including
Director of IT Strategy and Technology based in Sacramento,
California and Fab14 Automation Manager based in Dublin, Ireland.
Martin has also held IT management positions at General Electric in
Ireland and Philips in the Netherlands. Martin has a degree in
Electronic Engineering and a Masters in Business Studies from
University College Dublin, Ireland. Martin is author of “Managing
Information Technology for Business Value” published by Intel Press
Jan 04 and now in its third re-print.
This paper presents an IT Capability Maturity Framework (IT CMFTM) to
help manage the Enterprise IT capability in a holistic value based
fashion, using a production function model which links management of
the IT Budget and IT Capability to the management of Value. This
model draws upon existing academic research to develop a firm level
process theory of how IT can be managed to continuously optimize the
value delivered from IT. Additionally the model draws upon key
constructs and concepts from the software capability maturity model
(Paulk, 1993) to propose maturity states for four inter-related
macro-processes which are important for value delivery. For each
macro process a maturity curve is described which provides a roadmap
of improving process and outcome maturity with respect to each
process. Empirical evidence is shared which supports that improving
maturity in each of these four strategies is statistically
significant in leading to increased business value from IT.
Keynote Lecture
7 - Driving Ahead: Joint Enterprise-Embedded Computing in Smart Clouds, Smart Dust and Intelligent Automobiles |
Dr. K. Venkatesh Prasad
Ford Motor
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Brief Bio of Dr. K. Venkatesh Prasad
K. Venkatesh Prasad is the founding leader of Ford Motor Company's
Infotronics Technologies Research & Advanced Engineering Group,
based at Ford's Research and Innovation Center in Dearborn,
Michigan. Prasad is responsible for the global activities of the
Infotronics technology cluster, one of twelve such clusters within
the Ford Research and Advanced Engineering (R&AE) Organization. In
this capacity, Prasad oversees the research, architecture,
standards, applications development and vehicle system integration
of a broad spectrum of electrical, electronics & embedded software
Prasad received his formal education broadly in Electronics,
Communications, & Computer Engineering from the NIT-Trichy, India
(B.E., 1980), IIT-Madras, India (M.S., 1984), Washington State
University, Pullman, WA (M.S., 1987) and Rutgers University, New
Brunswick, NJ (Ph.D., 1990). Prasad is engaged in a number of
professional society activities and is currently the associate
editor of a special issue of the Proceedings of the IEEE on "The
Advanced Automobile".
We seldom recognize the presence of the reliable computing modules
embedded deep within the automobiles many of us drive on a daily
These modules control engine & transmission systems, chassis &
safety systems, vehicle-body systems and comfort & convenience
systems, including entertainment systems. For almost thirty years
now computing in automobiles and the associated "intelligent"
functions have been realized using on-board embedded systems.
The emergence of automobile telematics about eleven years ago
changed this computational framework, as data was exchanged between
the embedded systems in the vehicle and the remote enterprise
computing systems at the service or call-centers.
In this talk, we drive ahead to a time when mobile embedded
systems in automobiles will communicate not just with remote
enterprise computing centers or "smart clouds," but also with
embedded units or "smart dust,"
located just around the automobile. A joint enterprise-embedded
computing framework will be presented along with illustrative
examples of associated technology concepts and what this may bring
to the consumer experience.
Keynote Lecture
8 - Enterprise Information Systems for Use: From Business Processes to Human Activity |
Dr. Larry Constantine
University of Madeira, Portugal and
Constantine & Lockwood Ltd., USA
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Brief Bio of Dr. Larry Constantine
Larry L. Constantine, IDSA, ACM Distinguished Engineer, is an
award-winning designer specializing in interaction design and design
methods for supporting user performance in complex
interaction-critical applications.
One of the pioneers of software engineering whose current work
centers on activity-centered and usage-centered interaction design,
he has contributed numerous concepts and techniques forming the
foundations of modern practice in software engineering and
applications design and development. His design innovations include
multiple patents in human-machine interaction. His publications in
both the computer sciences and human sciences include over 175
articles and papers plus 17 books, including Software for Use,
winner of the Jolt Award as best book of 1999. Constantine is Chief
Scientist with Constantine & Lockwood, Ltd., the international
design consultancy he co-founded, and Director of the Laboratory for
Usage-centered Software Engineering (LabUSE) a research and
development initiative at the University of Madeira, Funchal,
Portugal, where he is a professor in the Department of Mathematics
and Engineering.
The success and business impact of enterprise information systems
often depends heavily on usability. Enhancing the performance of
actual users in the context of their real-world activities must be a
major design focus of information systems design. The richest
information and most advanced functionality is of limited value if
it is not useful and easily used within the context in which it is
needed. Human-computer interaction is always embedded in a larger
context of human activity that is complex and changeable. Activity
theory provides a framework for understanding the full richness of
human activity, and activity modeling offer a means for building
systematic, simplified models that enable the design of information
systems that support user performance within the complexity of human
interactive activity. Recent advances in activity modeling and the
relationship to user modeling and business process modeling will be