International Journal of
Intelligent Information Technologies (IJIIT)
There is growing interest in
developing intelligent technologies that enable users to accomplish
complex tasks in web-centric environments with ease, utilizing such
technologies as intelligent agents, distributed computing in
heterogeneous environments, and computer supported collaborative work.
The mission of the International Journal of Intelligent Information
Technologies is to bring together researchers in related fields such
as information systems, distributed AI, intelligent agents, and
collaborative work, to discuss various aspects of design and
development of intelligent technologies. This journal provides a forum
for academics and practitioners to explore research issues related to
not only the design, implementation and deployment of intelligent
systems and technologies, but also economic issues and organizational
impact. Papers related to all aspects of intelligent systems including
theoretical work on agent and multi-agent systems as well as case
studies offering insights into agent-based problem solving with
empirical or simulation based evidence are welcome.
IJIIT encourages quality
submissions dealing with (but not limited to) the following topics:
•Intelligent information
systems development using Design Science principles
•Models, architectures and behavior models for agent-oriented
information systems
•Intelligent agent and multi-agent systems in various domains
•Intelligent information retrieval and business intelligence
•Semantic Web, Web Services and Ontologies
•Reasoning, learning and adaptive systems
•Agent-based auction, contracting, negotiation, and ecommerce
•Privacy, security, and trust issues
•Agent-based control and supply chain
•Manufacturing Information Systems
•Human-agent interaction and experimental evaluation
•Distributed intelligent systems and technologies
•Intelligent web mining and knowledge discovery systems
•Integrating business intelligence from internal and external sources
•Agent-based simulation and application integration
•Intelligent Decision Support Systems
•Cooperative and collaborative systems
•Multimedia Information Processing
•Implementation, deployment, diffusion, and organizational impact
The International Journal of
Intelligent Information Technologies is an official publication of the
Information Resources Management Association and published by Idea
Group Inc., Hershey, USA (www.idea-group.com). For additional information regarding the
manuscript submission and subscriptions, please contact the
editor-in-chief at
International Journal of Web Information Systems
Special issue of IJWIS published in early/mid 2007 with extended
versions of the best papers from ICEIS and
WEBIST in the area of
Internet Computing.
Final accepted papers must be written in LaTex as this is the only
format accepted by our publisher. Further details can be found in
The era of web technology has enabled information
and application sharing through the internet. The large amount of
information on the internet, the large number of users, and the
complexity of the application and information types have introduced
new areas whereby these issues are explored and addressed. Many of
the existing information systems techniques and methods for data
sharing, modeling, and system implementation are no longer effective
and therefore need major adjustment. This has stimulated the
emergence of web information systems.
The goal of a web information system is to provide users with a
unified view to transparently and efficiently access, relate, and
combine data stored in multiple, autonomous, and possibly
heterogeneous information sources.
Three dimensions can be identified for web information
infrastructure: the user dimension, which is what web information
systems are all about, likewise, the content dimension, which is the
essence around which web information systems are built and finally
the system dimension which determines how web applications and
services can be implemented.
IJWIS is seeking to present visionary concepts and stimulating ideas
in web information systems at both the theory and application
While IJWIS covers a broad range of topics, we
are soliciting papers that provide a perspective on all aspects of
the Web information systems: Web semantics and web dynamics, Web
mining and searching, Web databases and web data integration,
Web-based commerce and e-business, Web collaboration and distributed
computing, Internet computing and networks, Performance of web
applications, and Web multimedia services and web-based education.
Topics of particular interest for this issue are,
but not limited to, the list below:
• Metadata and ontologies
• Web semantics architectures, applications and standards
• Language and representation issues of web semantics
• Migrating existing information
• Web mining
• Web search and information extraction
• Web structure/linkage mining
• Applications of web mining and searching
• Web databases
• Managing and storing XML data
• Generation of XML data from legacy applications
• Indexing and retrieval of XML data
• Web data integration
• Web schema management
• Web media
• Web design metrics
• Web-based metacomputing
• Communities on the web
• Formal reasoning about web dynamics
• Web-commerce and E-business
• E-Business models and architectures
• Agent technology for E-Commerce
• E-Business application case studies
• Workflow architectures in support of collaboration process
• Establishment and coordination of virtual enterprises
• Emerging interoperability standards
• Internet quality of service
• Internet traffic engineering
• Mobile computing for the Internet
• Performance of web applications
• Web-based education
• Advanced web applications
International Journal of DATA & KNOWLEDGE ENGINEERING Database
Systems and Knowledgebase Systems share many common principles. Data
& Knowledge Engineering (DKE) stimulates the exchange of ideas and
interaction between these two related fields of interest. DKE
reaches a world-wide audience of researchers, designers, managers
and users. The major aim of the journal is to identify, investigate
and analyze the underlying principles in the design and effective
use of these systems. DKE achieves this aim by publishing original
research results, technical advances and news items concerning data
engineering, knowledge engineering, and the interface of these two
DKE covers the following topics:
1. Representation and Manipulation of Data & Knowledge:
Conceptual data models. Knowledge representation techniques.
Data/knowledge manipulation languages and techniques.
2. Architectures of database, expert, or knowledge-based systems:
New architectures for database / knowledge base / expert systems,
design and implementation techniques, languages and user interfaces,
distributed architectures.
3. Construction of data/knowledge bases: Data / knowledge base
design methodologies and tools, data/knowledge acquisition methods,
integrity/security/maintenance issues.
4. Applications, case studies, and management issues: Data
administration issues, knowledge engineering practice, office and
engineering applications.
5. Tools for specifying and developing Data and Knowledge Bases
using tools based on Linguistics or Human Machine Interface
6. Communication aspects involved in implementing, designing and
using KBSs in Cyberspace.
Plus... conference reports, calendar of events, book reviews etc.
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