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Object-Process Methodology: Ontological Foundations and Internet Applications |
The Object-Process Methodology is a unifying approach for developing, communicating, supporting and evolving systems of various domains, types, magnitudes and complexities. To support these activities, a clear and concise single-model formalism has been developed, which is expressed in two complementary modalities: intuitive formal graphics and natural language text. Taught at MIT and the Technion, OPM has evolved as a significant extension of Object technology which caters equally well to systems' structure (through objects and relations) and behavior (through processes that transform OPM encompasses the entire lifecycle of a software system or product, from concept and initiation through development to deployment.
The tutorial will present the underlying OPM ontology and its industrial application with emphasis on Web and distributed applications as well as open reuse of software components. It is based in part on material I taught at MIT Professional Institute in the course Systems Development with UML and Object-Process Methodology in July 2002. See
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Web Services, Workflow and Metadata Management as the integration means in the electronic collaboration era |
The goals of the tutorial are to outline the combination of the three approaches, namely the web services, the workflow and the metadata management as a means of integration in complex systems, especially web-based ones.
We argue that the role of the web services as the new kind of flexible, extensible and interoperable middleware, complemented with the concept of workflow management would result into means for building complex business processes involving heterogeneous business entities.
We make the point that the introduction of metadata and ontologies would enable reusability and independence, and would contribute to semantic integration thus simplifying the developing business processes compositions spreading over multiple business entities.
We shall put an emphasis on the synergy of the above approaches, whereas showing that they naturally complement each other, and the value of the integrated approach could lead to new concepts in that area.
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Data Management in Designing Enterprise Information Systems |
It was probably Bob Epstein of Sybase who coined the phrase that "Applications come and go; databases stay for ever." This emphasises the importance of data management in building integrated solutions to user problems. A bad database design cannot be set right by other means, including a good application design.
This tutorial addresses two fundamental issues in designing data management into enterprise information systems: (1) the mapping of objects to databases, and (2) how to handle persistency and transaction management in an application program. The first issue addresses the server-side of an enterprise information system design, the second - the client side. The mains topics are:
1. Issues in data management for enterprise information system design
2. Tutorial case study - Email Management System (managing email business correspondence in a database)
3. Mapping Object Designs to Databases
a. Persistent Database Layer
b. Mapping to Object Database Model
c. Mapping to Object-Relational Database Model
d. Mapping to Relational Database Model
4. Designing of Applications for Data Management
a. Boundary-Control-Entity-Mediator-DbInterface (BCEMD) approach
b. Designing business components and an object storage API into an application
c. Structural collaboration for an application's data management
d. Behavioral collaboration for an application's data management
5. Conclusions and discussion
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Developing Web Services |
Web services are services offered through the Web and can be accessed from any web service-enabled machine with Internet access. Web services enable interoperability through a set of XML-based open standards. Businesses use the XML-based Web Services Description Language (WSDL) to describe their web services on the Internet and list them in an XML-based registry such as the Universal Description, Discovery, and Integration (UDDI) registry. UDDI allows you to find publicly available web services. A client sends a service request to the directory, which in turn informs the client about the services available. The SOAP protocol is then used to communicate, using HTTP and XML as an exchange mechanism, between the applications running on different platforms. This tutorial will help participants understand web services and their usefulness. The tutorial will also help participants get a feeling of the effort involved in developing web services.
The list of major topics to be covered in this tutorial includes: SOAP, UDDI, WSDL, Security issues, ebXML.
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Ontology: a technical roadmap from theory to application |
Christophe Roche
Since the beginning of the nineties, ontologies have become a very popular research topic in many areas of information systems including semantic web applications, knowledge engineering, information management and enterprise integration. Such a popularity is due to what they promise: a way of capturing a shared and common understanding of a domain that can be used by humans and programs. What they promise… But what about the real use of ontologies ? what are they in fact and how can one build them ?
In order to give some answers to these questions and to propose some guidelines to build and to use ontologies, the tutorial is organised as following:
- the first part presents the theoretical foundations of ontology including the terminology used in ontology,
the types of ontologies and some examples,
- the second part presents ontology languages, tools as well as methodologies for building ontologies,
- the last part is an overview of ontology-based applications.
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de Setúbal, Instituto Politécnico de Setúbal |