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Event Chairs

Conference Co-Chairs

Alexander Brodsky
George Mason University
United States

Brief Bio
Alex Brodsky is Professor in the department of Computer Science and Director of the Masters of Science Degree in Information Systems at George Mason University. He teaches classes in Database Management and Decision Guidance Systems, graduated 16 PhD students and currently advises other seven. Alex’s current research interests include Decision Support, Guidance and Optimization (DSGO) systems; and DSGO applications, including to Energy, Power, Manufacturing, Sustainability and Supply Chain. He earned his Ph.D. and prior degrees in Computer Science and/or Mathematics from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. For hi s research work related to DSGO systems, Alex received a National Science Foundation (NSF) CAREER Award, NSF Research Initiation Award, and funding from the Office of Naval Research (ONR), National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), and Dominion Virginia Power. ... More >>

Slimane Hammoudi

Brief Bio
Slimane Hammoudi is Professor at ESEO in Angers-France, a graduate school of engineering in electronics, computing, networking and telecommunications. Since 2003 his research interests have been in the main area of Model Driven Engineering with the focus on two application domains: Web Services and Context-Awareness. Since 2005, he has served as a co-chair of a workshop on Model Driven Development (MDEIS and FTMDD), a satellite workshop of ICEIS, international conference on enterprise information systems.


Program Co-Chairs

Joaquim Filipe
Polytechnic Institute of Setubal / INSTICC

Brief Bio
Joaquim B L Filipe is currently a Coordinator Professor of the School of Technology of the Polytechnic Institute of Setúbal (EST-Setúbal), Portugal. He got his PhD at the School of Computing of Staffordshire University, U.K, in 2000.
His main areas of research involve Artificial Intelligence and Multi-Agent System theory and applications to different domains, with an emphasis on social issues in activity coordination, especially in organizational modelling and simulation, where he has been actively involved in several R&D projects, including national and international programs. He represented EST-Setúbal in
several European projects.
He has over 200 publications, including papers in conferences and journals, edited books, and conference proceedings. He started several conference series, sponsored by INSTICC and technically co-sponsored or in cooperation with major International Associations.
He took part in over 100 conference and workshop program committees and he is on the editorial board of a Springer book series.
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Michał Śmiałek
Warsaw University of Technology

Brief Bio
Michal Smialek holds a habilitation degree in informatics from the Department of Cybernetics of the Military University of Technology and a PhD (Eng) in electrical engineering from the Faculty of Electrical Engineering of the Warsaw University of Technology. He also has MSc degrees in Computer Science and Advanced Software Engineering from the Warsaw University of Technology and the University of Sheffield (Department of Computer Science), respectively. He is currently a Professor at the Chair of the Theory of Electrical Engineering and Applied Informatics and was a senior consultant at Infovide-Matrix S.A. He al so taught as a Visiting Professor at the University of Carlos III in Madrid. Prof. Smialek has over 20 years of experience in systems development using object-oriented methods. He has developed software as a programmer, analyst, process engineer and project manager. He is a certified Rational Unified Process instructor. Michal Smialek has already conducted almost 200 editions of various courses in the area of software engineering for major Polish banks, telecoms, insurance companies, software houses and others. He has published over 80 articles in national and international journals and conference proceedings. Currently, Michal Smialek is researching Model-Driven Software Development, specifically in Model-Driven Requirements Engineering. He is the author of “Understanding UML. Methods of object modeling” (in Polish, Helion, 2005) and “From Requirements to Java in a Snap” (Springer, 2015). He was also the scientific coordinator of the ReDSeeDS project conducted within the European Union’s 6th Framework Program for Scientific Research by the Warsaw University of Technology and ten other renowned European institutions. He currently leads the SMoG research group that develops methods and tools for requirements-based model-driven development. He also led the WUT team within the REMICS project conducted under the 7th Framework Program. ... More >>


Local Chair

Jiri Feuerlicht
Unicorn University
Czech Republic

Brief Bio
Dr George Feuerlicht is the Head of the Software Engineering and Big Data program at the Unicorn University in Prague Czech Republic and an Honorary Associate at the School of Computer Science at University of Technology Sydney. George is the author of over 100 publications across a range of topics in information systems and computer science, including recent publications on the design and architecture of service-oriented applications, adoption of cloud computing and various database topics. George is a founding member of the Workshop on Engineering Service Oriented Applications and Cloud Services and a member of numerous conference organizing and program committees. He holds a PhD in Electrical Engineering from the Imperial College, London University. ... More >>
