Keynote lectures are plenary sessions which are scheduled for taking about 45 minutes + 10 minutes for questions
Keynote Lectures List:
- Peter Geczy, AIST, Japan
Title: Human Behavior and Interactions in Web Environments
- Masao J. Matsumoto, Kyushu Sangyo University, Japan
Title: Service Computing EIS, World Panic and Our Role Change
- Michele Missikoff, IASI-CNR, Italy
Title: Let’s Semanticise the World!! ... or Not??
- Barbara Pernici, Politecnico di Milano, Italy
Title: Design of Adaptive Web Services
- Jianchang Mao, Yahoo! Labs, U.S.A.
Title: Machine Learning in Online Advertising
- Ernesto Damiani, University of Milan, Italy
Title: Risk-aware Collaborative Processes
- Mike P. Papazoglou, Tilburg University, The Netherlands
Title: Foresight & Research Priorities for Service Oriented Computing
Peter Geczy
National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST)
Brief Bio
Dr. Peter Geczy is a senior scientist at The National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST). He also held positions at The Institute of Physical and Chemical Research (RIKEN) and The Research Center for Future Technology. His interdisciplinary scientific interests encompass domains of human interactions and behavior in digital environments, information systems, knowledge management and engineering, data and web mining, artificial intelligence, and machine learning. His recent research focus also extends to the spheres of service science, engineering, management, and computing. He received several awards in recognition of his accomplishments. Dr. Geczy has been serving on various professional committees, editorial boards, and has been a distinguished speaker in academia and industry.
Internet and web have become significant driving forces in economic, social, and government spheres. On the grounds of rapid technological innovation, the exquisite interplays of human behavior and interactions in digital environments have been gaining considerable attention from both academic and commercial domains. Human dimensions in web research and commerce are becoming increasingly dominant. A substantial progress has been made in elucidating human-web interactions at both individual and population levels - despite the recentness of the endeavor. Human behavior in web environments has its own specifics. We will explore the latest findings together with a comprehensive overview of the underlying principles, the current approaches, and the elemental behavioral aspects. We also extrapolate the latest findings to the prospective future trends. Up-to-date knowledge of human behavioral characteristics in electronic spaces should be beneficial to researchers, developers, and managers of web-based information systems.
Masao J. Matsumoto
Kyushu Sangyo University
Brief Bio
Masao J. Matsumoto received the B.S. degree in Mathematics from Waseda University, and the Ph.D. degree in Computer Sciences from the University of Kyushu, Japan. He is currently a Professor at the Faculty of Computer Sciences, Kyushu Sangyo University.
His main research interest is in e-business and solution engineering. He received the Deming Award in 1995 for his work on Software Quality Management. He has been a professor at Informatics, Dortmund University, Germany. He has served on the IEICE research thrust to pursue the Global Competence and Enterprise Modeling in Internet Era. He has served on the program committees of several conferences, including ICEIS, IEEE Software Reuse, and IEICE SWIM. He has received Grand Championship of Social Dance Kanagawa Tournament 2007.
The Sub-prime Loan Financial Systems let us be aware that EIS professionals should not be a servant to their clients but should be a business value creator who brings good things to the world. Financial Engineering experts and many other relevant have indeed been involved in this, but it is obvious that without IT professional, the business has never been come realistic and actually run.
Many technologies used in making business idea realistic and consequently making relevant business practices been implemented as EIS. For example, Business Engineering for business formalization and realization, Object-oriented and Aspect and XP and other Programming as EIS development means.
SOA, Service-oriented Architecture, among others, is thought one promising method which is suitable for put any EIS into practical work smoothly and quickly. SOA allows EIS professionals to find out optimum business process for underlining business goals collaborating with business people and immediately put the process into practical work on computing environments. Therefore SOA promises a lot of advantages to EIS communities including optimized ROI of IT, improving of value quality, productivity, time duration, cost and other factors to deliver EIS and keep evolving it.
However SOA is telling not the begin of bright EIS and prosperous age for the EIS people but the end of the traditional EIS professional mind and ethics. This talk will discuss basically four-folded topics, let’s say, first true SOA impact and potentialities which author recognized through SOA projects, second SOA technical drawbacks and possibilities of its overcoming, third availabilities of any alternatives and lastly some suggestions to EIS professional future.
Michele Missikoff
Brief Bio
Michele Missikoff, Director of Research at IASI (Istituto di Analisi dei Sistemi ed Informatica) of National Research Council, and Coordinator of LEKS: Lab for Enterprise Knowledge and Systems since 1999. Scientific Director of the European laboratory on Enterprise Interoperability, Interop-VLab, has a long experience in European projects, both in eBusiness and eGovernment. Elected member of the National Steering Committee for Information Science and Technology, from 1992 to 1997. He has been member of the editorial Board of VLDB Journal and co-founder of EDBT Conference series. Past-president of EDBT Endowment, he has organised numerous conferences and workshops. He has pubblished more than 150 technical and scientific papers, the majority of which on international journals and conference proceedings.
His main research interest are on: semantic technologies and ontologies, semantic interoperability, conceptual modeling, workflows and business process modeling, knowledge bases and object-oriented systems. Recently he has concentrated his activities on semantic search engines and ontology building methods.
The knowledge moves the World. The human beings are not among the fastest or the strongest animals on the Planet, nor they are protected by a special fur or by a hard carapace. However, we acquired the leadership on the Planet thanks to our knowledge, and the capacity to use it for practical purposes.
With the advent of ICT there has been a tremendous impulse on how humanity deals with knowledge. Since the first wave of computers, in the social and industrial realities of the 60s, the knowledge acquired two forms: knowledge for computers, e.g., software programs, and knowledge for humans, i.e., digital representation of paper documents. In the former case, the computer is able to execute the software, without “understanding” (this term will be better clarified later) it, in the second case the computer is just a container (i.e., incapable of execution nor understanding). In parallel, Artificial Intelligence, and in particular Knowledge Representation methods and systems, started to develop solutions to provide the computer with some forms of “understanding” and execution of knowledge.
Time passes, and the basic issues of programming and content management does not change much. Conversely, knowledge representation methods and tools have attracted a lot of energies in research and development, with the objective to achieve a unified knowledge space: same knowledge (possibly in different digital format) for humans and computers, and similar “understanding” and processing capability. Today, the “Mission Impossible” is the progressive convergence towards a unified semantic space.
The Mission Impossible is may be more possible if we restrict our world to enterprises. Today, an enterprise produces every day an incredible amount of documents, all of them in digital form. Therefore, we have a sort of Enterprise Digital Image (EDI) that reflects all the possible knowledge produced within and traversing across the organization, the production, the marketing, and all other departments of the company. The EDI primarily consists in the whole set of human-oriented knowledge (i.e., digital documents). To be properly processed and “understood” by a computer, its content must be (faithfully) represented in a formal way. In recent years, semantic technologies are proving to play here a central role. By using formal knowledge coding, ontologies, reasoners, semantic annotations, both of the static part (i.e., business objects) and the dynamic part (e.g., business processes) of the enterprise, we are progressively building the aforementioned Unified Semantic Space, where computers and humans can seamlessly cooperate, helping each other, but having humans superordianted (e.g., to avoid an Asimov scenario).
This vision requires that we develop a formal theory of the enterprise. Will it ever be possible? There are various signs that we are indeed proceeding along this line. From enterprise ontologies, to formal business process modelling, from automatic knowledge extraction to econophysics, the research is eagerly progressing in this direction. A Semantic World is a reality where the extent of formal theories and precise models is able to cover the large majority of our activities, behaviours, objects and actors we interact with. Probably, we are converging towards the famous TOE (Theory Of Everything) reported by Max Tagmark.
Barbara Pernici
Politecnico di Milano
Brief Bio
Barbara Pernici is full professor of Computer Engineering at the Politecnico di Milano. Her research interests include workflow and information systems design, cooperative information systems, adaptive information systems, service engineering and web services, data quality, and computer based design support tools, green information systems. She has published more than 40 papers in international journals, co-edited 19 books, and published about 140 papers at international level. She serves as elected chair of TC8 Information Systems of the International Federation for Information Processing (IFIP) and of IFIP WG 8.1 on Information Systems Design.
Service provisioning over the web opens wide opportunities to construct applications dynamically, thus enhancing flexibility and allowing context-awareness. In such a dynamic environments, adaptivity to changing conditions and reaction to possible failures are needed to guarantee functionality and agreed quality of service. However such adaptive service compositions need to be designed and engineered in order to be able to prevent and react to misfunctioning. The presentation will discuss design issues for adaptive web services.
Jianchang Mao
Yahoo! Labs
Brief Bio
Jianchang (JC) Mao received his Ph.D. degree in Computer Science from Michigan State University in 1994. Dr. Mao is currently a Senior Director in Yahoo! Labs and head of Display Advertising Sciences, responsible for the R&D of Contextual Advertising, Display Advertising, Targeting, and Analytics technologies and products. He was also a Science/Engineering director responsible for development of Sponsored Search Matching technologies and backend technologies for several Yahoo! Social Search products, including Y! Anwsers and Y!
MyWeb(Social Bookmarks). Prior to joining Yahoo!, Dr. Mao was Director of Emerging Technologies & Principal Architect at Verity Inc., a leader in Enterprise Search (acquired by Autonomy), from 2000 to 2004.
Prior to this, Dr. Mao was a research staff member at the IBM Almaden Research Center from 1994 to 2000. Dr. Mao's research interest includes Machine Learning, Data Mining, Information Retrieval, Online Advertising, Social Networks, Pattern Recognition and Image Processing. Dr. Mao has received a number of awards in industry as well as academia, including Yahoo! Superstar Team Award in 2008 (as a team captain); Verity Key Contributor Award in 2003; Honorable Mention Award, ACM KDD Cup 2002; IBM Outstanding Technical Achievement Award in 1997 and Research Division awards in 1998 & 2000; IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks Outstanding Paper Award in 1996; Honorable Mention Award from the International Pattern Recognition Society in 1993. Dr.
Mao served as an associate editor of the IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks, 1999-2000. Dr. Mao has published over 45 papers, and holds 11 issued US patents and 18 pending patent applications
Hundreds of millions of internet users have been enjoying a plethora of free web services, ranging from search, email, news, sports, finance, and video, to various social network services. Most of these free services are fueled by online advertising, a multi-billion dollar industry. Yet, online advertising spending is still less than 10% of the global advertising market of about half a trillion dollars. As more users spend more time online, advertisers are moving more budgets to online advertising. The rapid growth of online advertising has created enormous opportunities as well as technical challenges that demand computational intelligence. Machine learning has emerged as one of the most active research areas in solving challenging problems that rise in online advertising. The central problem of online advertising is to find the best matching ads from a large ad inventory to a user in a given context (e.g., query, page view) under certain business constraints (blocking, targeting, guaranteed delivery, etc). In this talk, I will provide a brief introduction to various forms of online advertising, including search advertising, contextual advertising, guaranteed and non-guaranteed display advertising. For each form of online advertising, I will describe the problem formulation, its accompanying computational challenges, and how machine learning techniques can come in to play. As a case study, I will provide a comparative evaluation of various Learn-to-Rank algorithms for ranking ads.
Ernesto Damiani
University of Milan
Brief Bio
Ernesto Damiani is currently a professor at the University of Milan and the director of the University of Milan’s PhD program in computer science. He has held visiting positions at a number of international institutions, including George Mason University in Virginia, LaTrobe University in Melbourne, Australia, and the University of Technology in Sydney, Australia. He has also done extensive research on advanced network infrastructure and protocols, taking part in the design and deployment of secure high-performance networking environments, both as chief scientist and in management positions. His areas of interest include business process representation, Web services security, processing of semi and unstructured information (e.g., XML), and semantics-aware content engineering for multimedia. Also, he is interested in models and platforms supporting open source development. He is the chair of the IEEE Conference on Digital Ecosystems (IEEE-DEST), the IFIP Working Conference on Open Source Systems, and the IFIP 2.6 WG on Data Semantics. He is an Associate Editor of the IEEE Transaction on Service Oriented Computing and a member of various editorial boards, including the Journal of System Architecture. He has published several books and about 200 papers and international patents. His work has appeared, among others, in the IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, the ACM Transactions on Information and System Security, and TFS, as well as in the ACM Transactions on Information Systems and the ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology. He has served and is serving in all capacities on many congress, conference, and workshop committees. He is a senior member of the IEEE. In 2008 he was nominated ACM distinguished scientist and he receive the Chester Hall Award for the best paper published in the IEEE Transaction on Consumer Electronics. His current home page is at
The design and deployment of inter-organizational collaborative business process need to take into account risks posed by the process actors’ dysfunctional behavior. Estimating such risks is of paramount importance at the operational and/or organizational level. This talk will present a general methodology for analyzing risks connected to dysfunctional behavior of business process partners, and design risk-aware deployment of security countermeasures.
Mike P. Papazoglou
Tilburg University
The Netherlands
Brief Bio
Michael P. Papazoglou is a Professor at Tilburg University where he is the Director of the European Research Institute in Service Science and the Scientific Director of the European Network of Excellence in Software Services and Systems (S-Cube). He is also an honorary professor at the University of Trento in Italy, and professorial fellow at the Universities Lyon 1 (France), Univ. of New South Wales (Australia) and Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, Madrid (Spain). Prior to this he was full Professor and head of School of Information Systems at the Queensland Univ. of Technology (QUT) in Brisbane Australia (1991-1996).
Papazoglou is well known for developing fundamental concepts and techniques in Web services. His research interests lie in the areas of service oriented computing, Web services, large scale data sharing, business processes, and federated and distributed information systems. He made pioneering contributions in these areas. He is one of the most cited researchers and internationally recognized for his research contributions in the area of service oriented computing with well over 2,000 references for his work. He has published 5 books and 5 monographs/edited books. He has also edited 11 major international conference proceedings, and well over 150 journal and conference papers. Most of his papers appeared in very selective and reputable conferences and journals. He is frequently invited to give keynote talks and tutorials on service oriented computing in international conferences. He is a golden core member and a distinguished visitor of the Institute of Electrical & Electronics Engineers (IEEE) Computer Science section.
Service-Oriented Computing is a new computing paradigm that utilizes services as the basic constructs to support the development of rapid, low-cost and easy composition of distributed applications even in heterogeneous environments. The promise of Service-Oriented Computing is a world of cooperating services where application components are assembled with little effort into a network of services that can be loosely coupled to create flexible dynamic business processes and agile applications that may span organizations and computing platforms. The subject of Service Oriented Computing is vast and enormously complex, spanning many concepts and technologies that find their origins in diverse disciplines that are woven together in an intricate manner. In addition, there is a need to merge technology with an understanding of business processes and organizational structures, a combination of recognizing an enterprise's pain points and the potential solutions that can be applied to correct them. The material in research spans an immense and diverse spectrum of literature, in origin and in character. As a result research activities are very fragmented. This necessitates that a broader vision and perspective be established—one that permeates and transforms the fundamental requirements of complex applications that require the use of the Service-Oriented Computing paradigm. This talk provides a Service Oriented Computing Roadmap and places on-going research activities and projects in the broader context of this roadmap. This research roadmap launches four pivotal, inherently related, research themes to Service Oriented Computing: service foundations, service composition, service management and monitoring and service-oriented engineering.