3rd International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Setúbal, Portugal
7-10 July, 2001
Dr. Ulrich Reimer teaches Intelligent Systems for Knowledge Management, which include topics like Organizational Memory Systems, Decision Support Systems, Process Management, Ontologies at the Dept. of Mathematics and Computer Science at the University of Konstanz. In the past he gave courses on Knowledge Representation, Machine Learning, Intelligent Information Systems, Database Systems. In addition to his teaching and research, Dr. Reimer has been Scientific coordinator of an SPP project on knowledge base management systems with the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH) Zurich, (Co-)Chair of the international conferences on "Practical Aspects of Knowledge Management", PAKM96, PAKM98, and PAKM2000 in Basel, Switzerland. He is currently the head of IT Research & Development at Swiss Life, Zurich.