3rd International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Setúbal, Portugal
7-10 July, 2001
His first two degrees were in Mathematics (Harvard and MIT); a decade later, a PhD in Descriptive Linguistics from the University of Pennsylvania. In 1953, together with the late William J. Turanski, he developed the world's first programming environment (known as "Generalized Programming"); it ran on UNIVACs I and II. In the '60s and early '70s he helped to develop and promote Petri nets. In 1979, together with Paul Cashman, he developed the world's first "coordination system"; it ran on the ARPANET to support military software development. Anatol Holt has engaged in many R&D activities, sponsored by the Airforce, ARPA, and industry. More recently, in Milano Italy he has been teaching and writing books: "Organized Activity and Its Support by Computer" (Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht Holland), and "Ripensare il Mondo - il Computer e Vincoli Sociali" (Dunod/Masson, Paris).