Setúbal/PORTUGAL, 7-10 July 2001
Area 2 Artificial Intelligence and Decision Support Systems | Area 3 Information Systems Analysis and Specification |
Paper submission deadline: 5th February 2001
In cooperation with:
purpose of this 3rd International Conference on Enterprise
Information Systems (ICEIS) is to bring together researchers, engineers and
practitioners interested in the advances and business applications of
information systems. Four simultaneous tracks will be held, covering different
aspects of Enterprise Computing Applications, including Enterprise Database
Technology, Artificial Intelligence and Decision Support Systems, Information
Systems Analysis and Specification, and Internet and Electronic Commerce.
focuses on real world applications; therefore authors should highlight the benefits of Information
Technology for industry and services. Ideas on how to solve business problems,
using IT, will arise from the conference. Papers describing advanced
prototypes, systems, tools and techniques and general survey papers indicating
future directions are also encouraged. Papers describing original work are
invited in any of the areas listed below. Accepted papers, presented at the
conference by one of the authors, will be published in the Proceedings of
ICEIS. Acceptance will be based on quality, relevance and originality. There
will be both oral and poster sessions.
sessions, dedicated to case-studies and commercial presentations, as well as
technical tutorials, dedicated to technical/scientific topics, are also
envisaged: companies interested in presenting their products/methodologies or
researchers interested in holding a tutorial are invited to contact the
conference secretariat.
Each of these topic areas is expanded below but the sub-topics list is not exhaustive. Papers may address one or more of the listed sub-topics, although authors should not feel limited by them. Unlisted but related sub-topics are also acceptable, provided they fit in one of the following main topic areas:
AREA 1: Databases and Information Systems Integration
· Coupling and Integrating Heterogeneous Data Sources
· Information Systems Architectures
· Inter- and Intra-organizational Processes
· Enterprise Resource Planning
· Middleware Integration
· Legacy Systems
· Organizational Issues on Systems Integration
· Distributed Database Systems
· Object-Oriented Database Applications
· Enterprise-Wide Client-Server Architecture
· Database Security and Transaction Support
· Data Warehouses
· Multimedia Database Applications
AREA 2: Artificial Intelligence and Decision Support Systems
· Intelligent Agents
· Industrial Applications of Artificial Intelligence
· Strategic Decision Support Systems
· Group Decision Support Systems
· Applications of Expert Systems
· Advanced Applications of Fuzzy Logic
· Advanced Applications of Neural Network
· Natural Language Interfaces to Intelligent Systems
· Bayesian Networks
· Evolutionary Programming
· Agent-Oriented Programming
· Coordination in Multi-Agent Systems
· Intelligent Social Agents and Distributed Artificial Intelligence Applications
· Intelligent Tutoring Systems
· Software Agents: Agent-Based Modelling and Agent-Based Programming
AREA 3: Information Systems Analysis and Specification
· Systems Engineering Methodologies
· Information Engineering Methodologies
· Organizational Semiotics
· Semiotics in Computing
· Requirements Analysis
· Ontology Engineering
· Modelling Formalisms, Languages, and Notations (e.g. UML, ER variants)
· CASE Tools for System Development
· Modelling of Distributed Systems
· Modelling Concepts and Information Integration Tools
· Groupware and CSCW Systems Specification
· Business Processes Re-engineering
AREA 4: Internet Computing and Electronic Commerce
· B2B and B2C Applications
· Process Design and Organizational Issues in e-Commerce
· E-Procurement and Web-based supply chain management
· Market-spaces: market portals, hubs, auctions
· Security, Privacy, Freedom of Information And Other Social and Ethical Issues
· E-Learning and e-Teaching
· Intranet and Extranet Business Applications
· Agents for Internet Computing
· Web Information Agents
· Case studies on Electronic Commerce
· Public sector applications of e-Commerce
· Interactive and Multimedia Web Applications
· Network Implementation Choices
· Object Orientation in Internet and Distributed Computing
· Internet and Collaborative Computing
The following workshops are already confirmed. You can submit your papers to the workshops using the same guidelines as for the main conference. Deadlines are also the same unless explicitly stated otherwise.
Please find further information about this subject on the workshops web page:
![]() | Workshop 1: Workshop on Pattern Recognition in Information Systems (PRIS-2001) |
![]() | Workshop 2: Workshop on New Developments in Digital Libraries (NDDL-2001) |
![]() | Workshop 3: Workshop on Applications of JESS, the Java Expert System Shell (JESS-2001) |
![]() |
Workshop 4: Workshop On Open Distributed Processing: Enterprise, Computation, Knowledge, Engineering, Realization (WOODPECKER-2001) |
should submit a paper in English of up to 5,000 words, using the submission
procedure indicated below. The program committee will review all papers and
the first author of each paper will be notified of the result, by email. Each
paper should clearly indicate the nature of its technical/scientific
contribution, and the problems, domains or environments to which it is
applicable. Authors must also indicate the topic area to which the paper is
Final camera-ready format will be required only for accepted papers,
and will be specified later. Due to space limitations in the Proceedings, the camera-ready version will be limited to 6 (six) pages. This may seem
too stringent but using the recommeded format we believe that it should be enough for a 5.000 word paper with a couple of small pictures. If
absolutely needed, it will be allowed to increase the total number of pages up to 10. However, for each page in excess of 6 the author will have to pay
an additional fee.
papers should be formatted for A4 size paper, and must be written in English,
and carefully checked for correct grammar and spelling. Final camera-ready
format will be required only for accepted papers, and will be specified later.
- Submission procedure
A web-based submission procedure, via the ICEIS web page (, is being prepared and it is
expected to be active after Christmas. In the meanwhile, the authors who wish to submit their papers can use the procedure below.
intend to use a “blind” paper evaluation method. To facilitate that, the
authors are kindly requested to follow the indications below:
![]() |
paper’s front page must be provided, with: the title, author(s),
affiliation(s), contact details, a list of keywords and an abstract.
This page is to be provided as a separate file. |
![]() |
full paper is to be provided as a separate file and MUST NOT have any
reference to the authors. The paper’s first page must necessarily have
the title, abstract and a list of keywords but NO NAMES OR CONTACT DETAILS
WHATSOEVER are to be included. |
documents are to be placed on the same web site. The files URLs should then be sent, by email, to the conference
secretariat: secretariat ( at )
If the
site is password-protected, a password and/or username enabling access to the
files is required.
it is absolutely impossible for an author to use the indicated method of
submission, the author should contact the secretariat in order to send the two
documents indicated above by email, as attached files.
preferred file format is RTF although MS Word is also acceptable; it is also
kindly requested that authors provide a device-independent format of
the paper such as Postscript or PDF.
Any person interested in organizing a tutorial, workshop, or exhibition should submit a proposal to the secretariat, before the 31th of December 2000, by e-mail (secretariat ( at )
these events will be held on the first day or two days of the conference.
Proposals should specify the topic and scope, the background knowledge
expected of the participants and, in the case of tutorials, a résumé of the
Companies interested in presenting their products, showing documentation about them or demonstrating some application, are invited to contact the secretariat and make a reservation for a stand at the conference site.
accepted papers whose authors confirm participation at the conference will be
published in the ICEIS 2001 proceedings, under a ISBN code. A reduced number
of papers will be selected for inclusion in a book to be published by Kluwer
Academic Publishers, like in previous editions.
Paper Submission - 5th February
Notification - 15th March 2001
Camera-Ready Submission and Registration - 5th April 2001
Superior de Tecnologia de Setúbal / Campus do IPS
Vale de Chaves, Estefanilha – 2914-508 Setúbal. Portugal.
+351 265 721 869 Tel: +351
265 790 000
E-mail:secretariat ( at )
Filipe, Escola Superior de Tecnologia of Setúbal, Portugal.
Bernadette Sharp, School of Computing, Staffordshire University, UK
Algirdas Pakstas, School of Informatics and Multimedia Technology, University of North London, England
Albert , Staffordshire University , UK |
Area 2 Artificial Intelligence and Decision Support Systems | Area 3 Information Systems Analysis and Specification |
Page Updated on 20-09-2001