2nd International
Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Stafford, UK |
Call for Tutorials
Proposal for tutorials, half day or full day, should cover timely topics related to the following tracks of the Conference:
1. Enterprise Database Technology and its Applications
2. Artificial Intelligence and Decision Support Systems
3. Systems Analysis and Specification
4. Internet and Electronic Commerce
Paper Submissions - 31st January 2000
Author Notification - 30th March 2000
Final Submissions - 30th April 2000
Proposals for tutorials should be a maximum of three pages in length and should include:
Send proposals to:
ICEIS 2000 Secretariat
Staffordshire University
School of Computing
Stafford ST18 0AD, UK
Fax: +44 1785 353561
E-mail: iceis-secretariat@staffs.ac.uk
or B.Sharp@staffs.ac.uk