In conjunction with the 15th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems - ICEIS 2013
Information Systems Security is one of the most pressing challenges facing all kinds of organizations today. Although many companies have discovered how critical information is to the success of their business or operations, very few have managed to be effective in maintaining their information secure, avoiding unauthorized access, preventing intrusions, stopping secret information disclosure, etc.
There are various definitions of security, but all of them basically agree on the same components. Security in information systems considers the protection of information and of the systems that manage it, against a wide range of threats in order to ensure business continuity, minimize risks and maximize the return on investment and business opportunities.
Security is, therefore, currently a widespread and growing concern that covers all areas of society: business, domestic, financial, government, and so on. In fact, the so-called information society is increasingly dependent on a wide range of software systems whose mission is critical, such as air traffic control systems, financial systems, or public health systems. The potential losses that are faced by businesses and organizations that rely on all these systems, both hardware and software, therefore signify that it is crucial for information systems to be properly secured from the outset.
In this new edition of WOSIS, the traditional information systems security topics will remain but we want explicitly focus the workshop on two of the most important issues and currently considered as it is security in Cloud computing and Mobile Computing. Although there are many benefits to adopting cloud computing, there are also some significant barriers to adoption as is security followed by issues regarding compliance, privacy and legal matters. Security is the main obstacle for many organizations in their move to the cloud, related to risk areas such as external data storage, dependency on the “public” internet, multi-tenancy and integration with internal security. For other hand, in recent years the mobile computing community has been successful in utilising academic and industry research efforts to bring products to the commercial market. The benefits of on-the-move network connectivity are obvious, however, there are serious networking and systems issues to be solved before the full benefits of mobile computing systems are realised in practice. Security is a prerequisite for every network, but mobile computing presents more security issues than traditional networks due to the additional constraints imposed by the characteristics of wireless transmission and the demand for mobility and portability. The objective of this new edition is to contribute to the study and analysis of solutions and approaches which help to achieve and facilitate the level of security needed for such mobile and distributed environments and that its adoption is not any problem for the society, administration and enterprise. The novelty in this edition is the section of tool demonstrations which is an opportunity for researchers and practitioners to present and discuss the most recent advances, experiences, and challenges in the field of security in software engineering with the goal of allowing live presentation of new research tools.
Workshop Program Committee
Alfonso Rodriguez, University of Bio-Bio, Chile
Ambrosio Toval, University of Murcia, Spain
Andreas Bauer, National ICT Australia, Australia
Antonio Maña, University of Malaga, Spain
Brajendra Panda, University of Arkansas, USA
Csilla Farkas, University of South Carolina, USA
Daniel Mellado, University of Castilla-La Mancha, Spain
Debasis Giri, Haldia Institute of Technology, India
Duminda Wijesekera, University George Mason, USA
Eduardo Fernández-Medina, University of Castilla-La Mancha, Spain
Eduardo B. Fernández, Florida Atlantic University, USA
Ernesto Damiani, Università degli Studi di Milano, Italy
Federica Paci, University of Trento, Italy
George Yee, Charleton University, Canada
Günther Pernul, University of Regensburg, Germany
Haris Mouratidis, University of East London, UK
Hugo Jonker, University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg
Indrajit Ray, Colorado State University, USA
Indrakshi Ray, Colorado State University, USA
Jaejoon Lee, Lancaster University, UK
Jaime Delgado, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Spain
Juan Carlos Trujillo, University of Alicante, Spain
Ketil Stoelen, Sintef, Norway
Kevin Butler, University of Oregon, USA
Komminist Weldemariam, Foundation Bruno Kessler, Italy
Luigi Lo Iacono, European University of Applied Sciences, Germany
María Carmen Fernández, Universidad de Málaga, Spain
Mario Piattini, University of Castilla-La Mancha, Spain
Mihai Christodorescu, University of Wisconsin, USA
Paolo Giorgini, University of Trento, Italy
Pino Caballero-Gil, University of La Laguna, Spain
Raimundas Matulevicius, University of Tartu, Estonia
Renato Iannella, Queensland University of Technology, Australia
Sabrina De Capitani di Vimercati, Università degli Studi di Milano, Italy
Sakurai Kouichi, Kyushu University, Japan
Shareful Islam, University of East London, UK
Sjouke Mauw, University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg
Spyros Kokolakis, Athens University of Economics and Business, Greece
Stamatis Karnouskos, SAP AG, Germany
Steven Furnell, University of Plymouth, UK
Thomas Santen, Microsoft Research Advanced Technology Labs Europe, Germany
Toshihiro Yamauchi, Okayama University, Japan
Yair Levy, Nova Southeastern University, USA