08:30 Welcome Desk & Registration (08:30 - 09:00)
09:00 - 11:00 - Room ICC-M5 IVM, FTMDD, RTSOABIS and MSVVEIS 2011
  • 2: Implementing a Transformation from BPMN to CSP+T with ATL: Lessons Learnt Aleksander González, Luis E. Mendoza, Manuel I. Capel and María A. Pérez
  • 3: Event-based Workflow Analysis in Healthcare Eva Gattnar, Okan Ekinci and Vesselin Detschew
  • 5: Using Models to Assess Impact of Defective Software Juan C. Augusto, George Wilkie, Hui Wang, Jun Liu and Chunping Li
11:00 Coffee-Break (11:00 - 11:15)
12:15 Lunch (12:15 - 13:45)
18:30 Social Event (18:30 - 23:00)