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Special Session

Special Session on Economics of Information Technology - EIT 2011
Yuan Qinjian
Nanjing University

Shen Hongzhou
Nanjing University

Zong Qianjin
Nanjing University
Background and Goals
In today's society, Information Technology (IT) has fundamentally transformed the information availability, and it has changed and is changing the business practices in a wide range of industries. Numerous of information-based products and information-based industries have sprung up during the past two decades, and the dramatic improvements in IT decrease the cost of activities and makes activities previously too expensive or cumbersome more attractive. From a global view, the investments in IT have increased greatly. However, are these investments worthy? What's the exact ROI of IT? And, what are the impacts of IT on productivity and performance of an organization? These kinds of questions are not easy to answer. There is a growing awareness of that the research of IT should beyond the technical perspective, but should also from the lens of economics, which means making use of the theoretical and methodological tools from the economics. Instead of focusing on the details of the technology, the IT researchers should fully explore the implications of the system's capabilities for economic interaction. The research at the intersection of IT and economics has been the cutting-edge thinking on the field.

This special session focuses on the discussion of new research relating to the economic impacts of information technology and their use. It aims to bridge the technology and economics by highlighting areas where IT is changing the importance of different economic forces and illustrating the economics that lay behind the use of many types of IT.
Topics of interest
We welcome new and interesting research on topics ranging from, but not limited to:

› Business Value of IT
› The Social Aspects of IT
› Economics of e-commerce and e-government
› Economics of Enterprise 2.0
› Enterprise Knowledge Management
› Customer Relationship Management and Marketing
› Mobile Commerce and Business Models
› Logistic System Integration and Supply Chain Management
› Pricing, Profits and Efficiency of Information Goods
› Economics of Open Source Software
› Economics of Information and System Security
› Productivity and Performance Effects of IT
› Online Auctions - Issues of Trust, Simultaneity and Competing Auctions
› Electronic Markets - Issues of Efficiency and Mechanism Design
› Economics of Information User's Behavior
› Organizational Issues of Information
› Outsourcing and Offshoring of IT and IT Enabled Services (BPO)
› The Strategic Impacts of IT
› Economics of Software Development and Related Methodology Innovations
› Bundling and Versioning of Information Products
› Economic Models for the Impacts of IT on Organizations and Markets
› The Antitrust and Regulatory Challenges presented by IT Industries
› Switching Cost of IT
› Network Externalities in Digital Products and Services
› Information Economics and the Value of Information in Decision Making
› Supply and Demand of IT
› Economics of IT Labor
› Technology Adoption and Diffusion from an Economic Perspective
› Predictive Modeling in Economics of IT
› The Economics of Standards, Compatibility and Interoperability
› The Role of Social Networks and Web 2.0 in Reducing Frictions and Increasing Intra-organizational Information Flows
All accepted papers will be published in a special section of the proceedings book, under an ISBN reference and on CD-ROM support.
All papers presented at the conference venue will be available at the SciTePress Digital Library (http://www.scitepress.org/DigitalLibrary/). SciTePress is member of CrossRef (http://www.crossref.org/).