11th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
6 - 10, May 2009            Milan, Italy

The Doctoral Consortium will take place in conjunction with the 11th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS), to be held May 6-10 in Milan, Italy. The ICEIS'09 doctoral consortium will provide an opportunity for graduate students to explore their research interests in an interdisciplinary workshop, under the guidance of a panel of distinguished experts in the field.

The Doctoral Consortium on Enterprise Systems Engineering is intended to bring together Ph.D. students within the enterprise systems engineering field to discuss their research in an international forum. The Doctoral Consortium will provide students with an opportunity to:
• Present their research work in a relaxed and supportive environment
• Receive feedback and suggestions from peers and experienced faculty
• Gain an overview of the breadth and depth of enterprise systems engineering research
• Obtain insight into directions for enterprise systems engineering research taken by other doctoral candidates
• Discuss concerns about research, supervision, the job market, and other issues
• Network with peers and future colleagues

Thus, the Consortium will help shape ongoing and future research projects aimed at enterprise systems engineering, will promote scholarship and networking among new researchers in this emerging interdisciplinary area, and will expose these promising young researchers to the larger global community.

The Doctoral Consortium is based on the following requirements and rules:
- Doctoral Consortium is open only to Doctoral Students who have started their research;
- Each student with an accepted paper for the Doctoral Consortium must register and attend the Conference (will benefit from a 50% discount over regular registrations);
- The Doctoral Consortium papers will be included in the conference CD (not book);
- Each paper must be presented by the Doctoral Student before an advisory board;
- Submissions will be judged on originality, significance and clarity.
- Paper length: 4 to 12 pages
- Papers must be written in MS-Word or Latex including the following information:
    - stage of the research,
    - outline of objectives,
    - research problem,
    - state of the art,
    - methodology,
    - expected outcome

To apply for participation at Doctoral Consortium, please submit your paper through the provided facility.

Full Paper Submission: deadline expired
Authors Notification: deadline expired
Final Paper Submission and Registration: deadline expired

Page Updated on 7-07-2009
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