International Workshop on Pattern Recognition in Information Systems PRIS-2006

Tuesday May 23rd

Tuesday Wednesday

Chairs: Ana Fred and André Lourenço

8:00 - 8:30
Welcome Desk / Registration 
8:00 - 8:45
Opening Session
8:45 - 9:45
Keynote: Michalis Vazirgiannis
9:45 - 10:30
Session 1 - Face Recognition
  • Face Segregation and Recognition by Cortical Multi-scale Line and Edge Coding
    João Rodrigues and J. M. Hans du Buf
  • Large Scale Face Recognition with Kernel Correlation Feature Analysis with Support Vector Machines
    Jingu Heo, Marios Savvides and B. V. K. Vijayakumar
10:30 Coffee-break (10:30 - 11:00)
11:00 - 13:00
Session 2 - Biomedical Applications
  • Tracking and Prediction of Tumor Movement in the Abdomen
    Margrit Betke, Jason Ruel, Gregory C. Sharp, Steve B. Jiang, David P. Gierga and George T. Y. Chen
  • Improved Singular Value Decomposition for Supervised Learning in a High Dimensional Dataset
    Ricco Rakotomalala and Faouzi Mhamdi
  • Multi-modal Categorization of Medical Images Using Texture-based Symbolic Representations
    Filip Florea, Eugen Barbu, Alexandrina Rogozan and Abdelaziz Bensrhair
  • Prediction of Protein Tertiary Structure Class from Synchrotron Radiation Circular Dichroism Spectra
    Andreas Procopiou, Nigel M. Allinson, Gareth R. Jones and David T. Clarke
13:00 Lunch (13:00 - 14:30)
14:30 - 15:30
Keynote: Elzebieta Pekalska
15:30 - 16:30
Session 3 - Face Recognition and Feature Tracking
  • Face Recognition in Different Subspaces: A Comparative Study
    Borut Batagelj and Franc Solina
  • Facial Feature Tracking and Occlusion Recovery in American Sign Language
    Thomas J. Castelli, Margrit Betke and Carol Neidle
16:30 Coffee-break (16:30 - 17:00)
17:00 - 18:00
Session 4 - Classification and Clustering
  • Multinomial Mixture Modelling for Bilingual Text Classification
    Jorge Civera and Alfons Juan
  • Weighted Evidence Accumulation Clustering Using Subsampling
    F. Jorge F. Duarte, Ana L. N. Fred, Fátima Rodrigues, João M. M. Duarte and André Lourenço
19:00 Workshop Banquet