Conference Programme for ICEIS 2000
(Staffordshire University, Beaconside, Stafford,UK)
Tuesday, 4th July
9:00 - 9:30 am: Registration (Octagon Building)
9:30 am - 12:30 pm: Workshops (Coffee break: 10.30 am)
- Workshop A: The 3rd
International Workshop on Organisational Semiotics
- Workshop B: Living with
12:30 - 2:00 pm: Lunch (Gallery)
2:00 - 5:00 pm: Workshops (Tea break: 3:30 pm)
- Workshop A: The 3rd
International Workshop on Organisational Semiotics
- Workshop B: Living with
7.00 pm: Evening Opportunity - Open Air Theatre:
Shakespeare's Twelfth Night (Stafford Castle)

Wednesday, 5th
9:00 - 9:45 am: Registration
9:45 -11:00 am: Welcome and Keynote Speaker (Red Lecture Theatre)
- Making the Most
of your Knowledge. Ian Ritchie, Immediate Past president of the
British Computer Society, UK.
11:00 am: Coffee Break
11:30 - 12:30 pm
- Session 1.1:
Enterprise Database Technology and its Applications (Boardroom
- Case Study: Can
a Multi Terabyte Data Warehouses be built on a Oracle/UNIX platform? David
Seddon, British Telecom, UK.
- Session 1.2:
Artificial Intelligence and Decision Support Systems (Blue
Lecture Theatre)
- 104-
Classification Based on Relational Fuzzy C-Means for 3-Way Data. M.
Sato-Illic, University of Tsukuba, Japan.
- 40- On Adaptive
Testing With Fuzzy Logic. A. Neira, A. Alguero, J. A. L. Brugos, V.
García, University of Oviedo, Spain.
- Session 1.3:
Systems Analysis and Specification (Green lecture Theatre)
- 103- The Need
For An ‘Information Analysis’ Stage For ISD. J. Feng, University of
Paisley, UK.
- 22-
Representation Process and Abductive Reasoning. An Experimental Approach
of the Diagrammatic Case. B. Morand, Université de Caen, France.
- Session 1.4:
Internet and Electronic Commerce (Red Lecture Theatre)
- 19- University
Information System Fully Based on WWW. J. Pazdziora, M. Brandejs,
Masaryk University, Czech Republic
- 92- FILEscan: A
Corporate Document Image Handling System. S. J. Rees, R. Morgan,
Staffordshire University, UK.
12:30 - 2:00 pm: Lunch (Gallery)
2:00 - 5:30 pm (Tea break: 3:30- 4:00 pm)
- Session 2.1:
Enterprise Database Technology and its Applications (Boardroom
- 119- On the
Interest of Combining UML with the B Formal Method for the Specification
of Database Applications. R. Laleau, CEDRIC-IIE (CNAM), France.
- 9-
Enterprise-Wide Information Systems: The Case of SAP R/3 Application. M.
Al-Mashari, Information Systems Department, King Saud University, Saudi
- 120- Simplifying
Database Design And Integrating It Into Dynamic Web Site Construction,
I. Newman, Loughborough University, UK.
- 55- Process
Enabled Information Systems. G. Bruno, M. Torchiano, Politecnico di
Torino, Italy.
- 107- Information
Security: A Logic Based Approach. S. Barker, University of
Westminster, UK.
- Session 2.2:
Artificial Intelligence and Decision Support Systems (Blue
Lecture Theatre)
- 38- How To Make
KDD Process More Accessible To Users. M. Rodrigues, C. Ramos,
Polytechnic Institute of Porto, Portugal, P. Henriques, DI/gEPL,
- 33- Experiments
In Optimising The Task Of Anaphora Resolution. C. Orasan and R.
Evans. University of Wolverhampton, UK
- 106- Distributed
Order Planning For Networked Enterprises. A. L. Azevedo, J. Sousa,
Universidade do Porto, Portugal.
- 60-Decoding BCM
Codes With A New Competitive Neural Network. F. J. Watkins and R. A.
Carrasco, Staffordshire University, UK.
- 86- Self
Organising Maps For Value Estimation To Solve Reinforcement Learning
Tasks. A. Kleiner, B. Sharp, O. Bittel, Staffordshire University, UK.
- 140- An
Information Theoretic Self Organising Map with Disaggregation of Output
Classes. M. O' Connor, W. J. Walley, Staffordshire University, UK.
- Session 2.3:
Systems Analysis and Specification (Green Lecture Theatre)
51- Addressing Decision Making Issues In Enterprise
Process Modelling. F. Oquendo, School of Engineering of Savoie at Annecy,
France, K. N. Papamitchail, I. Robertson, University of Manchester, UK.
82- Statecharts For Business Process Modeling. A.
Lauder, S. Kent, University of Kent, UK.
129- Addressing Multiple Software Processes In
Business. J. Sa, S. Green, I. Beeson, University of the West of England,
UK, A. Sully, AXA Sun Life plc, UK.
77- A Conceptual Framework To Support An
Interpretative Perspective In Information Systems Requirements Analysis And
Specification. A. L. Soares, P. J. Leonardo, University of Porto, Portugal.
65- Petri Net Expressions Of Demo Process Models As
A Rigid Foundation For Requirements Engineering. J. L. G. Dietz, J. Barjis,
Delft University of Technology, Netherlands.
8- IDEF Diagrams and Petri Nets for Business Process
Modeling: Suitability, Efficacy, and Complementary Use. V. Bosilj-Vuksic,
University of Zagreb, Croatia, G. M. Giaglis, V. Hlupic, Brunel University, UK.
- Session 2.4:
Internet and Electronic Commerce (Red Lecture Theatre)
- 90- An
e-Commerce Model for Extending ERP Systems onto the Internet: An
Australian Perspective. C. G. Ash, Edith Cowan University, Australia.
- 48- Managing
Knowledge in the e-Organization: The IT Perspective. V. P. Kochikar,
S. Raghavan, Infosys Technologies Limited, India.
- 97- Digital
Image Multiresolution Watermark Based on Human Visual System. C. Hsieh,
Y. Lu, C. Luo, Tamkang University, Taiwan.
- 113- Keys to the
Supply-Demand Architecture in Electronic Commerce. D. Y. Shee, T.
Tang, J. Tang, National Chengchi University, Taiwan.
- 134- Engaging in
Collaborative Systems: Lessons from the Field. S. Dingley and
J.Perkins, University of Central England in Birmingham, UK.
- 15- Exploring
intranets : Why and how to study intranets in French firms? E. Vaast,
Ecole Polytechnique, Paris, France.
7:00 pm: Conference Reception (Civic Centre, Stafford
Town Centre)

Thursday, 6th
9:00 am - 12:30 (Coffee break: 10:00-10:30 am)
- Session 3.1:
Enterprise Database Technology and its Applications (Boardroom
- Keynote Speaker:
Serving the Demands of E-Business. Bob Dunsby, Manager Corporate
Pre-Sales Oracle, UK.
- 70- Action
Learning In A Decentralized Organisation - The Case Of Designing A
Distributed Database. S. C. A. Peters, M. S. H. Heng, C. E. Wissink,
Vrije University Amsterdam, Netherlands.
- 21- Object
Relational Transformation Case Tool. A. Bhattacharya, W. Rahayu, La
Trobe University, Australia.
- 14-
Object-Oriented Decision Support System. F. Ravat, O. Teste,
Université Paul Sabatier - IRIT/SIG, France.
- Session 3.2:
Artificial Intelligence and Decision Support Systems (Blue
Lecture Theatre)
- Keynote Speaker:
Agent-Oriented Information System Development. John Mylopoulos, University
of Toronto, Canada.
- 62- Agent
oriented analysis and design of enterprise information systems. G.
Wagner, Freie Universtaet Berlin, Germany.
- 110-
Syntax-Directed Translation Schemes For Multi -Agent Systems Conversation
Modelling. A. Fred, Instituto Superior Técnico, Lisboa, Portugal, J.
Filipe, Escola Superior de Tecnologia de Setúbal, Portugal.
- 57- An Agent
Architecture For Multi-Agent Dynamic Scheduling. J Reis, ISCTE, N.
Mamede, IST, Portugal.
- 102- Agent-Based
Object Recognition. O. Hempel, U. Bueker, G. Hartmann, University of
Paderborn, Germany.
- Session 3.3:
Systems Analysis and Specification (Green Lecture Theatre)
- Keynote Speaker: Information
Requirements are Human, Computers only Machines: MEASUR’s Rigorous
Methods Based on Social Norms. Ronald Stamper, Emeritus Professor of
Information Management, University of Twente, Netherlands.
- 91- Integrating
Product Data with Workflow Data in Enterprise Models.R. McClatchey,
Z. Kovacs, N. Baker, T. Solomonides, Centre for Complex Cooperative
Systems, University of West of England, Bristol, UK, J-M. Le Goff, G.
Chevenier, EP Division, CERN, Switzerland.
- 125- A Framework
To Guide The Strategic Manager In The Acquisition Of Software Development
Technologies. M. Foley, Dublin Institute of Technology, A. Alderson,
H. Shah, Staffordshire University, UK.
- 29- The Adoption
Of Workflow Systems: Proposal Of A Model For A Methodology To Analysis
The Impact Of Workflow Systems In Organisations. A. Sarmento , A.
Machado, Universidade do Minho, Portugal.
- 121- Information
Systems And Learning Organisations. A. L. Nobre, ESCE, Instituto
Politecnico de Setubal, Portugal., M. P. Cunha, Universidade Nova de
Lisboa, Portugal.
- Session 3.4:
Internet and Electronic Commerce (Red Lecture Theatre)
- Keynote Speaker:
E-commerce and its Real-Time Requirements (Modelling e-Commerce as a
Real-Time System). Albert M. K. Cheng, University of Houston and Rice
University, USA.
- 16- ISIDOR: A
visualISation Interface for aDvanced infOrmation Retrieval. M.
Chevalier, M. Verlhac, Université Paul Sabatier, Toulouse, France.
- 44- Mediation,
Agreement and Gratitude in Strategic Planning for Virtual Organisations. L.
Brito, P. Novais, J. Neves, Universidade do Minho, Portugal.
- 45- Real Supply
Chains and Virtual Enterprises. K. D. Kreplin, Empirica GmbH, Germany,
D. Mac Randal, Rutherford Appleton Lab., Inf. Technol. Dept.,
Chilton, UK, H. Schmauch, FDX Supply Chain Services Europe, Leiden, Germany.
- 49- XML-Based
Frameworks for Internet Commerce. Y. Zhao, K. Sandahl, Linkoping
University, Sweden.
12:30 - 2:00 pm: Lunch (Gallery)
2:00 - 5:30 pm (Tea break: 3:30-4.00 pm)
- Session 4.1:
Enterprise Database Technology and its Applications (Boardroom
- 39- Creating
Realistic Data For Performance Evaluation. C. Bates, I. Ritchie,
Sheffield Hallam University, UK.
- 88- Web
Databases And Related Performance Issues. Y. Zhu, K. Lü, Y. Li, South
Bank University, UK.
- 87- Monitoring
Production Plants Activities In Real Time As A Way To Gather Decision
Support Information in Advance. O. Belo, Universidade do Minho,
- 85- Measures
To Get Better Quality Databases. M. Genero, M. Piattini, C. Calero,
M. Serrano, Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha, Spain.
- 101- An
Empirical Comparison of Histogram-like Techniques for Query Optimisation.
B. J. Oommen, L. G. Rueda, , Carleton University Ottawa, Canada.
- 89- A GemStone
GIS. M. Garvey, M. Jackson, M. Roberts, University of Wolverhampton,
- Session 4.2: Artificial
Intelligence and Decision Support Systems (Blue Lecture
- 114- Concurrent
Validation In The Treatment Of Uncertainty In An Expert System. L. de
Carvalho, F. M. Azevedo, S. M. Nassar, C. Koehler, H. de Carvalho, C. T.
Batezini, F. Ramos, UPF, RS, Brazil.
- 12- Expert
System Based Alarm Management In Communication Networks. S. Díaz, J.
I. Escudero, J. Luque, Universidad de Sevilla, Spain.
- 135- The Use Of
Information Theory In The Construction Of A Bayesian Belief Network: A
Case Study. D. Emery, A. Alderson, W. J. Walley, Staffordshire
University, UK.
- 74- A User
Friendly Development Tool For Medical Diagnosis Based On Bayesian
Networks. I. Milho, Instituto Superior de Engenharia de Lisboa, A.
Fred, Instituto Superior Tecnico, Portugal.
- 53- "Decision
Can": A Database of Decision Cases. N.M.V.P. Goncalves. Superior
School of Technology of Setubal, P. Antunes, University of Lisboa,
- 117- Decision
Support Systems Within Telecommunications. P. Flynn, T. Lunney, T.
Scott, K. Curran, University of Ulster, UK.
- Session 4.3:
Systems Analysis and Specification (Green Lecture Theatre)
- 7- Assessing
Success Of A Social-Technical Method For Cost Software Selection: A
Survey Approach. D. Kunda, L. Brooks, University of York, UK.
- 76- The Software
Engineering Global Model. C. Toffolon, S. Dakhli, Ceria,
Paris-Dauphine University, France.
- 100- Component
Based Visual Software Engineering. S. Thomson, J. McCall, D.Crossen,
the Robert Gordon University, Aberdeen, UK.
- 83- Requirements
Specification For Electronic Services Delivery Applications Using 'Lazy
Dog' Templates. L Dawson, Monash University, Australia, A Silvas,
Simsion Bowles and Associates, Australia.
- 123- Placing the
User in Systems Engineering. A. Alderson, Staffordshire University,
- Session 4.4: Internet
and Electronic Commerce (Red Lecture Theatre)
- 52- Agents for
Electronic Commerce. V. Shankararaman, B. Robinson, University of
Hertfordshire, UK, W. Lam, International Computers Limited, UK.
- 69- The
Virtues Architecture: A Software Infrastructure for Business-to-Business
E-Commerce. P. Nixon, V. Wade, S. Terzis, M. O'Connell, S. Dobson,
University of Dublin, Ireland.
- 6- Supporting
SMEs in the World of Electronic Ecommerce: www Site Maintenance and
Development. C. Charlton, J. Little, I. Neilson, and P. Ward,
Liverpool University, UK.
- 79- Electronic
Intermediaries as Marketing Agents. S. C. dos Santos, F. Q. B. da
Silva, Federal University of Pernambuco, Brazil.
- 32- Towards a
Secure and Complete Protocol for Electronic Commerce. R. He, K. Liu, Staffordshire
University, UK.
7:30 pm : Medieval Banquet (The Moat House)

Friday, 7th July
9:00 am - 12:30 pm (Coffee break: 10:00-10:30 am)
- Session 5.2: Artificial
Intelligence and Decision Support Systems (Blue Lecture
- Case Study : Agents - The Future of Intelligent
Communications. Robert Ghanea-Hercock, British Telecom, UK.
- 54- Who Does
What? Matching Agents To Tasks In Adaptive Workflow. J. Moore, and P.
Chung, Loughborough University, Loughborough, UK, R. Inder and J. Stader,
The University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, UK, A. Macintosh, Napier
University, Edinburgh, UK.
- 93- Solving
Large Scale Multicriteria Job Sequencing Problems In Real Industrial
Environments. G. Kostaras, I. Makarouni, G. Mitron, J. Psarras,
National Technical University of Athens, Greece.
- 67- Code
Understanding Through Context-Oriented Uncertainty Reasoning For
Enterprise Information System Reengineering. Y. Li, H. Yang, De Montfort
University, UK.
- Session 5.3:
Systems Analysis and Specification (Green Lecture Theatre)
- Case Study:
"Industry Strength" – Its True Meaning For High-Tech SMEs. Colin
J Theaker, Visiting Professor, Staffordshire University, Engineering
Manager, Terrafix Ltd, UK.
- 122- Evaluating
IT Usage In Small And Medium Sized Enterprises. D. T. Thomas, A.
Alderson, H. Shah, Staffordshire University, UK, D. J. Collins, Keele
University, UK.
- 24- A Holistic
Information Systems Strategy For Organisational Management- HISSOM. D.
Lanc, Lloyds TSB/Scottish Widows Integration and Business Services,
Edinburgh, UK, L. MacKinnon, Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, UK.
- 75- Increasing
End User Involvement In Requirements Modelling In Small Organisations.
T. Chesney, H. Fletcher, Buckinghamshire Chilterns University College,
- 63- On
Designing Object Oriented Model For Multimedia Data. L. Kuzniarz, M.
Piasecki, Wroclaw University of Technology, Poland.
- Session 5.4:
Internet and Electronic Commerce (Red Lecture Theatre)
- Case Study: A
New World for the Enterprise -- e-Commerce and Open Sources. Thomas
Greene, Massachusetts Institute of Technology – LCS, U.S.A
- 18- Information
Systems for Improving Competition in a Deregulated Electricity Market. A.
Carrasco, J. Luque, I. Borrero, University of Seville, Spain.
- 56- Integrating
Meeting Results in Organisations. C. J. Costa, J. F. Dias,
ISCTE, P. Antunes, University of Lisboa, Portugal.
- 46- World Wide
News Gathering Automatic Management. L. Veiga, P. Ferreira. INESC,
- 71- Higher-order
Effects of Groupware: A Case of Consequences of Lotus Notes. B.
Aldenberg, M. S. Heng, S. C. Peters, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam,
12:30 -2:00 pm : Lunch (Gallery)
2:00 - 3:30 pm
- Session 6.2:
Artificial Intelligence and Decision Support Systems (Blue
Lecture Theatre)
- 25- An
Architecture For On-Line Intelligent Control Of Blast Furnaces. J.
Tuya, E. Díaz, M. Hermida, J. A. L. Brugos, A. Neira, A. Alguero,
University of Oviedo, Spain.
- 98- Development
Of An Information System For Wind Power Stations. S. A. Papazis, P.
N. Fotilas, University of Piraeus, Greece, M. G. Ioannides, National
Technical University of Athens, Greece.
- 34- Integration
Of Expert System Rules Into Standardised Object Description Models For
Telecommunication Network Management. S. Martin, C. Leon, M. Mejfas,
M. C. Romero, A. V. Medina, University of Seville, Spain.
- Session 6. 3:
Systems Analysis and Specification (Green lecture Theatre)
- 20- RHODES, a
Process Component centered Software Engineering Environment. B.
Coulette, X. Crégut, IRIT Laboratory, France, T. Dan Thu, D. Thi Bich
Thuy, University of Natural Sciences, Vietnam.
- 50- Supporting
Distributed Decision Making In The Management Of Bids For Tender For The
IT Industry. K. Gunter, H. Shah, Staffordshire University, UK, P.
Butler, Hewlett-Packard Consulting, UK.
- 81- Enterprise
Information Management Supported By Enterprise Modelling. S. A.
Petersen, O. Szegheo, Norwegian University of Technology and Science,
- Session 6.4: Internet
and Electronic Commerce (Red Lecture Theatre)
- 35- Conception
of a Framework for Electronic Commerce Case Study: RuralNet. J. A.
Gomes Pires, J. L. P. Exposto, A. A. G. Alves, Polytechnic Institute of
Bragança, Portugal, A. L. F. Leitão, University of Oporto, Portugal.
- 47- Intranet
Adoption: A Survey Analysis. B. O’Flaherty, University College Cork,
Ireland, H. Williams, University of Strathclyde, UK.
- 66- A
Distributed Agents Architecture for Self-fault Management in Corporative
Networks. J. Arribi, V. Carneiro, University of A Coruña, Spain.
4.00 pm : Prizes & Closing Session
7.00 pm: Evening Opportunity -Open Air Theatre: Shakespeare's Twelfth
Night (Stafford Castle)

Poster Sessions : 5 -7th
July 2000
- 13-
Architectural Considerations with Distributed Computing. Y. Wang, The
University of Alabama at Birmingham, USA.
- 28- Application
of a Virtual Connection Tree over Multiple Access Techniques for 3G
Mobile Communication Systems. A. Heath, R. A. Carrasco, Staffordshire
University, UK.
- 37-
Implications of Search Engine Coverage in the Viability of Business Web
Sites. M. Thelwall, University of Wolverhampton, UK.
- 43- Thoughts
about the Organisational Context when Adapting a Workflow System. M.
Lousa, Instituto Superior Politecnico de Gaya, Portugal, A. Machado,
Escola Engenharia Universidade Minho, Portugal.
- 61- Adaptive
Space Diversity for Multicarrier CDMA Schemes over fading radio Channels.
R. Uribeetxeberria, R. A. Carrasco, Staffordshire University, UK.
- 70- Action
Learning in a Decentralised Organisation - the Case of Designing a
Distributed Database. S. C. A. Peters, M. S. H. Heng, c. E. Wissink,
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Netherlands.
- 72- Usage of
Instrument of neural Networks in Control of Complex Chemical
Technological Process. A. Kalinin, L. Nechaera, E. Soldator, S.
Podvalny, Russia.
- 80- Building
Internet Shops: Current Status of the CITIES Project. A. Goitia, J.
Garcia-Fanjul, J. Tuya, J. A. Corrales, University of Oviedo, Spain.
- 116-
Facilitating a User Performed Requirements Analysis - a Case Study.
R. Dawson, A. Al Zaid, Loughborough University, UK.
N.B: Coaches
are made available to take delegates from (and back) their hotel to (and from)
the University where the conference is held, and to the Moat House where the
medieval banquet is held, and back to their hotel.