RTSOABIS 2010 Abstracts

Full Papers
Paper Nr: 5

CASIA: A Context-Aware Approach for Service Identification Aligned to Business


Michel Antunes da Silva, Leonardo Azevedo and Flavia Santoro

Abstract: Organizations use services to support the implementation of their business process. Service requirements are identified at design time and developed for the application that implements the business process. This makes the process highly dependent on the service that supports it. In addition, due to changes in the business process, the supporting service might no longer adhere to business process at any time. Thus, it is needed to adapt the application that implements the business process to consume another service that best fits its needs. This paper describes an approach for flexible identification (discovery) of services available in service repositories according to the business context. This approach aims at discovering the most appropriate service to meet business requirements.

Paper Nr: 6

A Contextual Approach To Invoke Intelligent House Services: An Application to Help Physically Handicapped Persons


Faîçal Felhi and Valérie Monfort

Abstract: Intelligent Houses are considered as a subclass of Programmable houses that are automatically planed to perform some activities and then, to propose services to inhabitants as persons with specific needs. In this paper, we propose an infrastructure based on geo-localization, Web services and aspects to promote Adaptive Intelligent Houses. Our research work uses a case study extracted from a concrete industrial project.

Paper Nr: 8

An approach to standardize mobile and immobile Location-Based Services: An application based on SOA and geo-location


El Kindi Rezig and Valérie Monfort

Abstract: Location-based services (LBSs) are being increasingly popular due to their usefulness in users’ daily life, their applications include location-based advertising, location-based shopping…etc, however today’s LBSs often relate to a fixed geographic location. Unlike immobile LBSs, mobile LBSs are moving services that have a changing geographic location, their applications include mobile hospitals, ambulances, mobile libraries…etc. In addition, today’s LBS applications are provider-specific and can’t (generally) cohabit with other LBS applications from other providers, consequently, consumers have to use different platforms and applications in order to discover and interact with different LBS applications. In our paper, we present an infrastructure based on geo-location and Web services to promote the uniformity of the way mobile and immobile LBS providers publish their services on one hand, and the way consumers discover and interact with the LBSs they look for on the other hand. Moreover, the proposed infrastructure is context-aware and promotes dynamical services accessibility by offering consumers, as they are moving, the nearest services they are interested in.

Paper Nr: 11



Álvaro Silva, Álvaro Silva, Álvaro Fagner Rodrigues da Silva, Marcelo Queiroz Leite and Pedro Luiz Pizzigatti Correa

Abstract: On species distribution modelling based on ecological niche is used known data of presence or absence, collected by researchers in field. However, without reliability and accuracy, the model may shows mistakes on the generated models. For this, it is proposed a supporting system to the collected data and model using a smart phone with a service oriented approach. Using it, the researcher can submit the collected points for processing in remote servers which will return the distribution model for been previewed. It automates the collect and model process and allows the collaboration between the researchers, but perform this system on the Amazon forest implies in give attention to its issues. This paper presents the benefits on using SOA to this kind of system.

Short Papers
Paper Nr: 2



Christian Sadilek, Rainer Simon and Bernhard Haslhofer

Abstract: The rising popularity of RESTful Web services has recently motivated the extension of existing service orchestration engines to support the composition of services that do not rely on machine-readable descriptions. At the same time, within the Linking Open Data initiative, data sets are published conforming to the Linked Data principles, which can be naturally achieved by exposing RDF data through RESTful interfaces. In this position paper, we motivate the use of service orchestration to define workflows for interlinking open data. We introduce the design of an abstract workflow for the semantic enrichment of such data with the purpose of providing an integrated view on otherwise isolated data sources. Finally, based on this abstract workflow we present early work on a concrete implementation and report on our experiences.