MSVVEIS 2011 Abstracts

Full Papers
Paper Nr: 2

Implementing a Transformation from BPMN to CSP+T with ATL: Lessons Learnt


Aleksander González, Luis E. Mendoza, Manuel I. Capel and María A. Pérez

Abstract: Among the challenges to face in order to promote the use of techniques of formal verification in organizational environments, there is the possibility of offering the integration of features provided by a Model Transformation Language (MTL) as part of a tool very used by business analysts, and from which formal specifications of a model can be generated. This article presents the use of MTL ATLAS Transformation Language (ATL) as a transformation artefact within the domains of Business Process Modelling Notation (BPMN) and Communicating Sequential Processes + Time (CSP+T). It discusses the main difficulties encountered and the lessons learnt when building BTRANSFORMER; a tool developed for the Eclipse platform, which allows us to generate a formal specification in the CSP+T notation from a business process model designed with BPMN. This learning is valid for those who are interested in formalizing a Business Process Modelling Language (BPML) by means of a process calculus or another formal notation.

Paper Nr: 3

Event-based Workflow Analysis in Healthcare


Eva Gattnar, Okan Ekinci and Vesselin Detschew

Abstract: Efficiency and high quality of care are nowadays demanded by healthcare organizations. Clinical workflow analysis is an important element of quality improvement efforts in hospitals. Standardized process models can support process monitoring and mining in healthcare delivery. Therefore our paper presents a promising approach for measuring Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) in hospitals based on a newly developed clinical process model. In order to measure process performance, it addresses the entire treatment process. As standardized method, the model allows the evaluation and analysis of clinical workflow metrics and thus forms the basis for continuous quality improvement. For modeling purposes, we use Event-driven Process Chains (EPC), a common process modeling notation, and the ARIS Toolset. Our process approach allows the analysis and evaluation of specific clinical workflows and furthermore forms the basis for continuous performance measurement, clinical quality improvement and a sustainable risk reduction in health care.