FTMDD 2010 Abstracts

Full Papers
Paper Nr: 3

An Approach to Conveying Fundamentals in the Field of Model-driven Software Development


Andreas Schmidt, Markus Dickerhof and Daniel Kimmig

Abstract: A didactial approch for teaching model-driven development is proposed in this paper. The main idea is to focus on conveying under- lying concepts rather than on managing a concrete tool. This objective shall be reached by the development of a simple generator. For this rea- son the whole process from graphical modeling to the code generation proper is traversed twice, the first time from back to front to introduce the main concepts of a generator engine and in a second pass starting from the beginning to extend the generator with additional functionality. The lecture will then be completed by transferring the knowledge learnt to a concrete generator tool within the framework of a simple exercise and by a presentation.

Paper Nr: 5

Using Model Transformation to Facilitate Dynamic Context Adaptation


Sylvain Degrandsart, Tom Mens and Serge Demeyer

Abstract: The widespread adoption of mobile computing opens the path for more user-centric applications, that need to be continuously and dynamically adapted to different contexts of use. Dealing with such dynamic context adaptation requires a significant amount of effort, due to the high number of contexts that need to be dealt with, as well as the widespread impact that a context change may have. In this article, we propose a change-based approach to context adaptation that reduces the effort and redundancy of dynamic context adaptation through the use of semi-automated and formally specified model transformations. We provide a proof-of-concept using graph transformation, and show how transformation analysis helps to explore the space of reachable contexts.

Paper Nr: 7

Designing a Map of Mappings: Visualization of QVT Relations using Petri-Nets


Ali Fatolahi, Stéphane Somé and Timothy Lethbridge

Abstract: QVT Relations are a popular standard for formalizing model-driven transformations. For the most part, QVT relations are expressed using the existing textual standard. A number of graphical approaches have been suggested for presenting QVT relations. Most of the existing approaches are either concerned with the graphical presentation of individual relations or deal with validation and execution. As a result, in many cases the visualization of relations does not lead to a better understanding of the set of relations as a whole and does not facilitate the design process of transformations. In this paper, we employ basic Petri-Nets for presenting a more comprehensible picture of QVT relations and a more flexible technique for designing such transformations. Our approach is not concerned with the accuracy or correctness of the graphical representation but with the understandability of the set of relations as a transformation chain.

Paper Nr: 9

Metamodel Matching: Issue, techniques, and comparison


Wajih Alouini, Lamine Lafi, Lafi Lamine, Gammoudi Mohamed Mohsen, Wajih ALOUINI and Slimane Hammoudi

Abstract: Abstract. Research and practice for Model Driven Engineering (MDE) have significantly progressed over the last decade for dealing with the increase of complexity within systems during their development and maintenance processes by raising the level of abstraction using models as information storage. New significant approaches, mainly Model Driven Architecture (MDA) defined at the OMG (Object Management Group), “Software Factories” proposed by Microsoft and the Eclipse Modeling Framework (EMF) from IBM, are born and have been experimented. As models grow in use for developing systems, transformation between models grow in importance. University and industry are seeking for effective and efficient ways to treat transformation as first-class assets in MDE. In order to produce new and more powerful transformations, we argue that the semi-automatic generation of transformation rules is an important challenge in future MDE development to make it easier, faster, and cost-reduced process. In this paper we propose to discuss metamodels matching as a key technique for a semi-automatic transformation process. We review, compare, and discuss the main approaches that have been proposed in the state of the art for metamodels matching.

Paper Nr: 10

Continuous Maintenance of Multiple Abstraction Levels in Program Code


Moritz Balz, Michael Striewe and Michael Goedicke

Abstract: During development of software systems multiple notations are in use to describe requirements, design, source code, run time traces, and more. These notations usually have different purposes and semantics so that it is difficult to keep information consistent during development. In this position paper we propose an alternative approach to model-driven software development that enhances program code with abstract specification information. Thus the program code can be considered at different views for design, verification, execution, and monitoring, while information of interest is continuously available in a coherent notation.

Paper Nr: 12

On Using Weaving Models to Specify Schema Mappings


Sinisa Neskovic, Milica Vuckovic and Nenad Anicic

Abstract: Weaving models, supported by the ATLAS Model Weaver toolkit within the Eclipse Modeling Framework, has been used for various application scenarios related to model mappings. This paper considers the application of weaving models to specification of data schema mappings. Firstly, a general conceptual framework in the form of an abstract megamodel is introduced. It is used as a reference model which identifies various kinds of models occurring in the context of data schema mappings and precisely defines their roles and mutual mappings. Then, based on the defined conceptual framework, an analysis of the application of weaving models in the context of schema mappings is given. This analysis reveals several issues in the existing approach. The main issue is that weaving models are not enough constrained by their corresponding weaving metamodels and, hence, invalid or semantically meaningless links among schema concepts are allowed. Finally, the paper proposes a solution that overcomes the issues and discusses its advantages and shortcomings.

Short Papers
Paper Nr: 8

Using MDD to Extend the IMS LD standard with Adaptability


Valérie Monfort, Maha Khemaja and Slimane Hammoudi

Abstract: A few e-Learning platforms propose a solution for ubiquity and context aware adaptability. We decided to propose a solution with metamodeling approach based on previous related works. We used a concrete software engineering industrial product that was promoted by French Government.