SEC-SCIS 2024 Abstracts

Area 1 - Soft Computing in Ethicity and Smart Cities Services

Short Papers
Paper Nr: 6

Business Intelligence Reporting by Linguistic Summaries for Smart Cities: A Case on Explaining Bicycle Sharing Patterns


Erika Mináriková, Galena Pisoni, Bálint Molnár and Hanna K. Skaftadottir

Abstract: An increasing number of intelligent urban services rely on the use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT). Data-driven approach is often considered for supporting sustainable cities, provided the pervasive nature of the Internet of Things (IoT) like sensors, and their capabilities to collect data for elaborating to the cities. This paper focuses on an intelligent business reporting approach explaining the bicycle sharing patterns by linguistic summaries in order to provide relevant insights for decision makers and citizens. We explored the developments in bicycle sharing stations in different periods of the day for months and seasons. The business intelligence query operations of drill-down and roll-up are often used in data reporting and analysis. In this work, these operations are realized by linguistic summaries. The main aim is to propose an approach for analysis and visualization in an understandable and interpretable way for diverse user categories. Experiments were conducted on the Dublin bicycle sharing data set. Finally, a way how cities can set in place the collection of data coming from different sources, as well as relevant enterprise infrastructures and data analytic pipelines for such service are discussed.

Paper Nr: 7

A Hybridized Scheme for Solving Ridesharing Problems Based on Firefly Algorithm and a Variant of PSO Algorithm


Fu-Shiung Hsieh

Abstract: Solving constrained discrete optimization problems with discrete decision variables poses a challenge due to complexity. Ridesharing problems are usually formulated as constrained discrete optimization problems. An urgent need is to develop an efficient algorithm for solving ridesharing problems. One potential approach to constrained discrete optimization problems is based on hybridization of different evolutionary algorithms to increase diversity in generating candidates during the evolution processes. The goal of this paper is to provide a proof of concept to study effectiveness of hybridizing the strategies of two evolutionary algorithms, the Firefly algorithm and a variant of PSO algorithm. A hybrid algorithm is proposed based on the above mentioned hybridization mechanism to illustrate that the idea. To verify effectiveness of the hybridization mechanism, several experiments were conducted. The experimental results indicate the hybridization mechanism works effectively and finds the solutions more efficiently than the existing hybrid Firefly-PSO algorithm.

Paper Nr: 5

Architectures of Contemporary Information Systems and Legal/Regulatory Environment


Bálint Molnár, Péter Báldy and Krisztina Menyhard-Balázs

Abstract: The information interchange, between humans and computers, and the data processing in the context of Information Systems and Enterprises became a complex structure with a rapidly developing technology stack. This paper proposes an integrated approach that combines recent technological approaches in architecture for Information Systems and Enterprises concerning the recent development of the technology landscape. There are established scientific and research disciplines in domains such as Enterprise Architecture, Analysis, and Design of Information Systems, Business Process Management and Modeling, Data Management and Administration, and Human-Computer Interaction. The rapid development of Artificial Intelligence (Machine Learning, Data Science) and its applications in enterprise environments necessitates defining a research framework that can support the alignment of these components for research and practical applications. Since Information Systems are of socio-technological phenomenon, and quick development of technologies meddles with the privacy, and personal data of individuals. This fact implies that the legal, regulatory, and ethical set of rules should be considered and built-in through architectural building blocks into Enterprise Architecture. Therefore, the existing and emerging regulatory frameworks are considered to make it possible and realize compliance through artifacts that care about conformance to rules. The legal environment and the ethics that are deduced from the legal rules touch the local and public administrations that operate the cities through advanced IT systems.